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5 New Skills For Accountant Employers Are Looking For in a Candidate

by Nathan Zachary
Skills for Accountant

As an accountant, you must have a strong ability to communicate. In addition to verbal communication, you must have good writing and presentation skills. In addition, the technological environment and regulations keep changing, so the best accountants must be flexible and adaptable. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many accountants to work remotely.

Analytical Thinking

Developing analytical skills is essential for a career in the accounting field. Without analytical thinking, a professional may be unable to identify the causes and effects of a problem or make the correct decision. Analytical thinking can help a person become more creative and efficient in a job. An analytically strong individual will be able to visualize the end goal and create a plan for action.

Using data analytics and software solutions is essential for chartered accountants in central london. In addition to knowing how to collect and input data, they must be able to interpret that data and turn it into a meaningful report. Using data to formulate strategies will increase a company’s efficiency and boost sales. As the world of technology continues to grow, an analytically savvy accountant will be essential to the success of any business.


Using your creativity is one of the new skills employers are looking for in an accountant. While most people associate creativity with writers and artists, it can be useful in the accounting field as well. In fact, a study by LinkedIn revealed that creative thinking is the most in-demand soft skill for accountants. The study used behavioral insights from more than five hundred million members to determine which skills accountants should consider developing.

Developing creative solutions does not necessarily require major alterations to a business model. In fact, it is often a simple case of applying an old idea in a fresh way. This creative approach is essential for adapting to change.


Adaptability is an important skill to develop as an accountant. It makes you more flexible and dependable and improves your mental health. Moreover, it helps you remain focused and positive. Developing this skill will also help you in your career search. In addition, this skill can also be useful in your personal life.

Adaptability is important for accountants because they need to keep up with changing regulations and technologies. This can include new accounting software and tax laws. Sometimes, they also need to respond to client requests quickly. Adaptability involves critical thinking and the ability to pivot. This skill is crucial for every accountant.

A person with high adaptability is a good problem-solver and is adept at identifying patterns and trends. They also learn more efficiently when they are presented with new situations. People with high adaptability are willing to explore new ideas and are not afraid of criticism.

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Although most accounting firms have formal policies encouraging flexible working, they are not implemented uniformly and may have unintended consequences. Barriers to flexible working can range from pay to the type of work offered. There is also a gender bias, with more women than men seeking flexible working arrangements. If a man asks for flexible working arrangements, he may face ridicule or worse.

While many types of work are increasingly flexible, there are still certain types that may not be easily performed away from the office. For example, auditing, tax, and transaction services tend to be office-based. Even the most junior positions are usually office-based. Some employers are creating project-based jobs or flexible working hours to accommodate the needs of their employees. In addition to formal flexibility, there is informal flexibility. This type of flexibility relies on personal relationships between staff and management.


The advent of social media has brought new opportunities for accountants in central london. Not only can these technologies help accounting firms record data and offer real-time customer support, but they can also help them work more efficiently. New cloud-based technologies such as Uku allow accountants to share and collaborate on client information from any location and at any time. With real-time views of client information, Uku helps accountants work more efficiently and effectively.

One of the most important skills for accountants is collaboration. It involves working with others in a firm to understand the business environment, deliver data needs, and communicate financial information implications. This requires the ability to work with people from different departments, and can be difficult, especially if there are different personalities and deadlines to meet. However, collaborative skills are critical to a sustainable business model.

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