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5 Simple Ways to Promote a Corporate Event

by Nathan Zachary
5 Simple Ways to Promote a Corporate Event

It takes a lot of effort to promote a corporate event so. that it’s attended by hundreds if not thousands of people from the industry. Most companies do not shy away from spending thousands of dollars to promote their events. However, not all of them are successful. Because they didn’t strategize their marketing efforts properly.

Do you have an upcoming event that you would like to promote? If yes, take some time out to answer these questions in a piece of paper:

●       How many people do you wish to have at the event?

●       What is the goal of the event?

●       Which products and services do you wish to promote at the event?

●       What is the budget for the event?

Once you have clear answers for the above questions. It’s time to prepare a strategy that will ensure your event is a success. Get inspired by similar events hosted by competitors and brainstorm with other team members to host a successful event.

 Here are five ways to promote your next corporate event:

 1. Create a fabulous landing page

 Design an attractive landing page for the event that allows you to share information with visitors and move them through the sales funnel. Provide visitors with the event’s USP along with the benefits of attending the event. Encourage visitors to perform a call to action (CTA) that ensures that they attend the event. For example, you could make them sign up for a registration form.

Ensure that you display prominently details such as when and what is event vanue. The bottom-line is that your landing page should feature everything the visitor needs to know about the event.

 2. Invest in print marketing

 You could put ads in local newspapers and magazines to spread word about your event. The costs for ads are surprisingly low as well as will get word out quicker than you imagine.

 You could also post posters and Banners also around town to build hype around the event.

 3. Invest in promotional products

 Distribute handy promotional merchandise such as pens, bags, as well as tees at events to associate a lot of positivity with your brand. This ensures people sit up and take notice of your brand and event. The more useful your giveaways, the higher chances for you to get repeating recipients.

4. Book a renowned guest speaker

 Adding a distinguished speaker from the industry will resonate well with the target audience, adding more weightage to the event. Ask the speaker if they can promote the event on their social media pages. This will provide your event with extra visibility that’s hard to ignore.

 5. Launch contests and associate them with the event

Deck your social media profiles for the event. Launch contests that coincide with the event. Ask followers to submit their entries before a designated time. Give away prizes for winning entries. you can photo-themed the contest to have maximum marketing impact.

The marketing suggestions mentioned above are not straightforward. You will need a marketing expert on your side to strategize and come out with a detailed plan on how to connect with your target audience. The important thing here is that you will have to start planning 4 to 6 months in advance to ensure that the event is a success. We wish you the very best for the next event!

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