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6 Valuable Safety Tips For All E Cigs Beginners To Follow

by Nathan Zachary

Optical fiber is known for many names, including optical fiber. This is a type of technology used to send information in the form of optical pulse through plastic fibers. The optical fiber cable has some of these fibers. Expensive cables have hundreds of these threads. The glass fiber core is protected with another layer of the help of a cladering. And this layer is protected by the buffet tube layer. Finally, there is a jacket layer to protect individuals. In general, these cables are used for some reasons instead of copper cables. These cables provide many advantages, such as transmission speeds and bandwidth. Let’s check more.

If you are looking for a high -speed data networking, you can consider optical optical. As a matter of fact, this cable is commonly used in many communication sectors of networking services. Some examples of these services include telephone, TV and the Internet.

For example, major giants such as Google and Verizon use these cables to provide high -speed services.


How does optical fiber work?

Basically, the optical fiber cable sends data via an optical particle called a photon. Each layer has a different refractive index, so bend the ringing light at a different angle. When the light signal is transmitted at high speed via a cable, they are reflected in the core at a speed of 30 % lower than the light.

Sometimes companies use signal booster for these cables. The function of these repeaters or boosters is to convert signals to electric pulse to send again. Recently, these cables are used to provide 10 GB speed per second. Generally, at high speeds, thicker and more expensive cables are used.


As long as the primary type, there are single mode and multi -mode cable. See the details of each type.

Single mode fiber

Single mode fiber optic cable is used for long -distance data transmission because of its small diameter. Because the diameter of these cables is small, the attenuation that can adversely affect signal strength can be reduced.

In addition, these cables have a small opening that creates only one beam. Therefore, direct routes for long -distance data transmission are possible.

Unlike multi -mode fiber, single mode fiber has a relatively high bandwidth. Generally, laser is a single mode fiber light source. These types of optical fibers are characterized by a free size calculation, which helps reduce relatively small opening light.

Multi -mode fiber

This type of cable is used for short -range data transmission. The reason is that the light bounces back in a large opening, reflecting more in this process. In addition, as far as many data transmission, a larger diameter cable is more suitable.

The drawback is that these cables can cause many signal losses. In general, LED lights are used to generate optical pulse.

Simply put, this was an explanation of the optical fiber cable. Hopefully this article will help you understand the optical fiber better.

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