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9 Employee Productivity Metrics: Why They Matter and How To Measure Them

by Uneeb Khan
Employee Productivity Metrics

Productivity is a key factor to overall company success. Productivity metrics are indicators of how efficient your employees are at performing their job tasks. Analyzing these metrics can help you identify areas where improvements could be made and provide insight into ways to assist in implementing changes. In this article, we will discuss nine metrics for Employee Productivity Metrics that matter, why they matter, and how to measure them.

One way to increase your employee productivity is to make sure that they are working on their objectives. They must do their best while doing it. Achieving this goal has never been a simple task, especially when working with human beings. However, there are some key metrics you can use to measure performance objectively and find ways for improvement. This post will help you identify.

The Top 9 Employee Productivity Metrics

in Order to Improve Your Workflow and Company Culture at the Same Time

1. Time at desk –

Employees are the biggest cost for a company. If a common metric to track desk time was applied for employees. It could allow businesses to measure time spent on various projects and monitor performance. For example, if a call centre employee monitored their own time based on task completion and customer feedback, incentives may be offered by the company based on said measurement.

There are quite a few ways to get a handle on how productive your employees are. Some of them are low-cost and nearly effortless, while others require more effort. The most important thing is to just get started so you can start measuring how productive your staff actually is.

The graph shows that the average employee is a productive time for about 63% of their time. Given this information, it is possible to identify some of the areas where an employee’s performance can be increased. Employee Performance Measurements need to focus on reducing the time spent on unproductive activities. This would have a positive impact on overall employee performance to increase productivity and make an organization more competitive in the global market.

2. Emails sent –

Because employee productivity metrics are so important to the success of a business. Companies need to make sure that their employees are giving their best performance at all times. Employee engagement is essential for increasing productivity and boosting the bottom line.

With better data, companies can more effectively identify restraints to productivity and take proactive steps to improve their employees’ work habits, demeanour, and overall performance.

3. Phone calls

Employee productivity metrics provide valuable insight into the daily performance of call center employees. By measuring performance during live calls and after the fact. Managers can identify problem areas and resources where effective management has led to measurable improvement.

Phone calls have been a deadly killer of productivity for years, but times have changed! these key points to help you manage time spent on phone calls to optimize your employee’s productivity.

4. Meetings attended

It seems that many teams are struggling with identifying productivity metrics. When you’re working in an agile environment and trying to define success, it can be difficult to measure what is actually important. Using metrics like this one can help you identify opportunities for improving your employee’s performance in the workplace.

5. After-hours work

Companies that can’t effectively manage their own employees’ time will definitely have a hard time managing their customers’ deadlines. This is one of the main reasons that it’s essential for organization owners to be on top of how valuable their employees are being each day.

When our employees work additional hours on company projects outside of office hours, we all stand to benefit. In this environment where everyone is encouraged to work from home the same common issues and concerns arise. Let’s go beyond the rhetoric of the “work-life balance” – working in conjunction with family time or community involvement is a win-win for your organization and employees, as well as staff retention.

6. Number of meetings scheduled

It says that every employee has about fifty minutes for meetings per day, so as a manager. It is your responsibility to make your employee productive during this time. Hold meetings only when you have regular employees who will attend them. You can avoid unnecessary meetings by creating a schedule and following it regularly. To succeed in this matter, learn the skill of effective delegation.

Unproductive meetings and conference calls are easy to measure as a measure of employee productivity. That number should be as close to zero as possible. Employees who get into unnecessarily long meetings tend to spend less time doing their work.

7. Time spent collaborating with colleagues

It’s a very common practice for businesses to get together and discuss potential projects. Sometimes, a meta-discussion is formed out of this very meeting; a discussion about what the type of project might be or what its goals are. Both of these things are beneficial in a number of ways. One is that you can see what the rest of your coworkers think that the project should be. Which could lead to better ideas for everyone involved. But doing so also helps everyone to work more efficiently. When people know what they need to do and why. It makes it easier for them to focus on doing just that.

If it takes a long time for your team to get work done. You might need to consider how it’s organized. It might be time to invest in better tools and processes or reorganize your team altogether. Maximizing individual and collective productivity requires more than just finding the right people. It’s about putting them in a system that allows them to do their best work in the most efficient manner possible.

8. Hours worked

Productivity metrics are at the core of every truly great organization. They serve as the building blocks of a company’s efficiency and effectiveness, while also setting productivity goals that drive a company to a brighter future. Despite being thrown around quite frequently. Productivity remains a somewhat elusive concept in the business world. This guide will help to shed some much-needed light on this buzzword, and how you can measure productivity in your own work environment.

These numbers might provide you with some insight. How your employees are spending the time they do have outside of working at the office and hopefully will provide some guidance. If you need to discuss things like employee efficiency with them.

9Break time/time away from desk

Keep employees’ productivity high by giving them time away from their desks. Also, listening to music while at work helps boost workers’ energy levels.

In contrast to some intuitions, doing actual work during breaks can be destructive and counter-productive.


No matter what the size of your business is. The employee performance monitoring portal is an important indicator of many aspects of your organization. In this guide, we will explore what productivity metrics you should be monitoring for as well. How to start monitoring them to improve them and ensure your employees are operating at their peak productivity level.

Try and ask yourself if you can feel “off-the-clock” stress because you’re trying to figure it out. How to get everything done. Most likely the answer is yes. This is the crux of stress for managers who don’t use of employee productivity monitoring tools. Doing a job well and being productive. Lessens the stress that comes along with feeling like you’re constantly running at 100 miles per hour and getting nowhere.

There are lots of ways to measure employee productivity metrics, some are more useful and meaningful than others.

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