Home » CMA Exams 2022: Tried & Tested Study Tips for the Best Result

CMA Exams 2022: Tried & Tested Study Tips for the Best Result

by Nathan Zachary
CMA Exams 2022 Study Tips

To be a certified CMA, one needs to clear the CMA Exams. The CMA is among the toughest professional accounting exams; hence the passing percentages are low. The depth and scope of the subjects covered are the key contributing elements to the CMA Exam’s difficulty level.

Time is valuable, mainly if you’re using it to grow your career as a CMA professional. Because students don’t know how to study effectively, they often waste essential time and fail to pass a test on their first attempt. Here VSI Jaipur brings some effective and tried CMA study tips to help you clear your exams and get the best CMA result.

VSI Jaipur prepares CMA aspirants to perform their best by offering the CMA guidance to help them get in-depth knowledge of the subjects and clear the exams with no difficulties.

Ten Tips To Score Well In CMA Exams

Firstly, keep yourself calm. After all, clearing the CMA course is possible. However, you should have a good CMA test preparation process and begin with a solid CMA exam preparation study plan. Further, you would then be able to fulfil your ambition of being a Certified Management Accountant.

1. Be Clear With The Syllabus And Decide Which Group To Clear

Before jumping to your preparation, understand the CMA exam pattern and be well-versed with the syllabus. If you are preparing for CMA Foundation, you must appear for four papers. Yet, if you appear for Intermediate and Final, you must decide which groups to appear in.

So you can appear in either group or both, depending on your preparation level. However, don’t rush to clear the exam in a single attempt. It is better to clear your concepts and then appear for a particular group.

Further, your decision should be based on whatever portion you feel the best prepared for. So this will make you confident and will help you to score better.

Make sure that you are studying from the CMA books referred by the ICMAI. These books must be given the top priority and then some other reference material should be used.

2. Plan And Organize Your Study

The following effective CMA exam tips include planning and organizing your study schedule. Create a well-thought-out strategy for finishing the course curriculum for the modules you want to create. And remember to provide some buffer time while planning your study schedule, particularly if you are also enrolled in a degree or professional course.

Planning and organizing are essential for students studying for the CMA since curriculum development influences one’s preparation approach. Further, studying with a plan gives students the time they need to study all the assigned material on time. Also, it makes it simple to understand the concept without any difficulties. Hence, carefully plan out your schedule and prioritize preparation for CMA exams.

3. Choose The Right CMA Coaching

Most students believe that CMA coaching can be an additional investment and avoid joining any coaching. However, it is essential to note that you can recover those investments gradually after becoming a certified CMA.

We aren’t encouraging you from opting for CMA coaching, yet the CMA curriculum is vast. You must not simply pass the CMA exams for a rewarding career as a CMA. Instead, you must have a conceptual understanding, which will make you successful in real life.

So by joining a CMA coaching, you will get a better knowledge of the subjects and increase the possibility of scoring high.

4. Declutter Your Desk

Studying in a clutter-free environment with few distractions encourages you to focus on your studies. In addition, if you eliminate your phone from your table, you are less likely to be distracted by it. Moreover, spending a few minutes organizing your study space will save you far more time over the long run.

5. Limit Your Use of Social Media

It’s impractical to never look at your email, Twitter, and Instagram. Yet you can schedule a time every day to do so, like 15 mins every morning and evening. Moreover, be tough about it; it is much too easy to spend valuable study time on social media. However, you will be astounded by how much focus you may restore with this method.

6. Concentrate Your Efforts on Your Long-Term Objectives

Throughout the CMA exam preparation, you will periodically succumb to your impulses. Moreover, you will surrender to viewing your favourite television program or looking through social media.

This behaviour is normal, so take a break when required. However, consider your long-term objectives. What impact will these acts have ten years from now? Therefore, concentrate your efforts on your long-term objectives rather than your short-term delights.

7. Have A Productive Study Environment

The environment in which you study influences your concentration. When preparing for CMA Exams, you’ve prepared yourself for success by designating a study area with few interruptions. So choose a noise-free space and devote your study time there.

8. Keep Exam Pressure Away With Good Preparation

Students will always experience exam pressure, which does more harm than good. Further, this makes them demotivated and discourages them. However, you can altogether remove the exam pressure if you have strong preparation.

Some reasons why students have exam pressure are:

  • They lack enough test preparation.
  • Some students lack clarity in the CMA exams curriculum
  • Most students lack adequate time management
  • Some haven’t enrolled themselves in good CMA Coaching

However, in all these cases, good CMA coaching can always help.

9. Concentrate on Revision Instead Of Merely Studying

Revision helps students overcome examination anxiety. Moreover, for the CMA exams, studying alone is insufficient; revision is necessary. When we continually revise something, it becomes persistent and encourages confidence. So, have time for revision and also try to solve mock tests.

10. Avoid Sleep Deprivation

During the preparation for CMA exams, students must get enough sleep. So this enables our bodies and minds to relax. Occasionally, the stress of examinations prevents students from sleeping comfortably.

This impacts your health and even makes them unwell. Hence, getting enough rest, maintaining good health, and attending the examination with great zeal is essential.

Also Read: Why Are Learners Choosing Online Courses Nowadays?


So these are some effective tips for the CMA exams that will help you score better. A strong CMA preparation is always a key to scoring better. Hence start preparing for CMA exams now and for the best guidance, join VSI Jaipur.

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