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Downsizing: The Key For A Simplified Living

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Most individuals start rethinking the value of the “things” they have accumulated over their life sometime after late middle age. They will probably also be reevaluating their needs for living space as well as the nature and significance of their relationships. Many people will desire to scale back these areas of their lives. Planning will be needed for this.

Reducing material items that are no longer desired or needed can be done in a variety of ways. In general, the family should be given preference in these situations. However, in my case, I have learned that, like other people I know, a person’s valued possessions or even family memories may not be of much interest to their offspring. So many groups, like The Salvation Army, are willing to accept the vast majority of these products in this case. The most important thing is to have the ability to let go.

Since it might be more difficult, many people don’t actually have the option to reduce their living area. Unless they choose to live with their children or other family members, which many people don’t want to do, those who don’t have the money or the inclination to move into retirement communities will have to age in place. Then, one may opt to close off empty rooms or rearrange the space that is really being used in one’s existing home in order to lower the amount of space that is being used there. Another option is to decide to split the expense of maintaining the house with a willing friend or family.

Some Tips To Downsize Your Life Easily

Your life actually does not need to be simplified in a significant way. But, in reality, you may start downsizing your life right away by arranging your life and being more careful about the things you bring into your house. So, your attitude is where downsizing starts. Here are some important suggestions to get you started.

Take Things Slowly

To begin simplifying your life, you don’t need to walk through your home and get rid of everything materialistic in one full sweep. Instead, consider beginning with less sentimental, lesser items. Go through your house and get rid of everything you don’t use or need, such as expired food, cosmetic products that are ten years old, or old mail that includes bills you have already paid and out-of-date publications.

Moreover, the suffocating quantity of paper that is required of us in our daily lives—monthly statements from our banks, our credit card companies, and—worst of all—junk mail—is one of the most aggravating things we have to deal with. How much and for how long should we retain this? What ought to be destroyed rather than recycled? Most people have questions like these. Of course, there isn’t a perfect answer (junk mail, for example, appears to be an almost unsolvable problem), but some advice from “Ask Sid,” which I found in an AARP Magazine issue, may help you reduce or regulate the volume you have to deal with. When adjusting to a minimalist lifestyle, taking things slowly makes life simpler and doesn’t add a burden on yourself.

Stay Committed To Simplify Your Life

You will be able to decide much more quickly which stuff to retain and which to discard once you make up your mind that you are on a mission to declutter and simplify your life. Just keep in mind your ultimate goal for the decluttering process when times are tough. You can fairly discard or sell an object if it is not used frequently, brings you no joy or satisfaction, and is not necessary for your daily life. Keep your goals in focus, and you will be able to make apparent decisions.

Assume It To Be An Emotional Ride

Because of our power to give every given time or thing importance, our huge, wonderful brains have made our lives even bigger and more beautiful. But guess what? Instead of the clothing or strange toy you have been holding onto for years, all of those memories and feelings are kept in your enormous, extraordinary brain. Consider enjoying the emotional experience as you get rid of things rather than making the process more complicated than it has to be. Think about the memories connected to each thing you part with. Remove the object after thanking it for bringing those memories back. If you let it be, it may be particularly purifying and restorative.

Shift To Digital

Hey, the year is 2022; digitize whatever you can. Keep it in digital form if there is something you are thinking about purchasing at the shop that can be readily converted into a digital experience, such as books, recipes, or music. Learning when and how to shift to the digital world is a major organizing element. Get a Kindle, a Spotify subscription, a list of your favorite food blogs, and avoid bringing things into your house. Trust me; it will quickly create a ton of room.

Use Online Banking Outlets To Make Your Life Simpler

Signing up for automated payments and moving to paperless bills are two of the simplest methods to reduce clutter. So, sign up for paperless billing to avoid keeping old mail and stacks of invoices for years. It will significantly simplify your life and probably raise your credit score as well.

Anything including your signature, birth date, account numbers, Social Security number, passwords, or PINS should be destroyed. When? After 45 days, shred credit card statements unless you require them for tax or transaction verification. As soon as the transactions are shown on statements, shred debit/credit cards and bank slips. After a year, destroy payment vouchers, bank statements, and medical bills. However, documentation pertaining to mortgage payments, taxes, house upgrades, and prescription records should be kept for the foreseeable future.


In terms of reevaluating connections, I have seen that most seniors in their later years now place higher importance on enduring friendships than on other types of ties, including those with family. The number of casual friends has shrunk, and group interaction and entertainment are now considered less significant activities. Therefore, seniors must continue to value their connections with those who truly mean to them. I, Robert Scripps, am the author of “Thursdays With Margaret,” which sheds some light on ways to simplify our lives. So, if you want to bring serenity to your life by decluttering unnecessary things, “Thursdays With Margaret” can help you with that!

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