Home » Employee Time Tracking System – Desktrack

Employee Time Tracking System – Desktrack

by Uneeb Khan
employee time tracking system

Desktrack is a web-based employee time tracking system that records the time employees spend on specific tasks and activities. You can use this employee time tracking software to track your employees’ working hours and expenses quickly and easily.
employee time-tracking software which allows you to track the hours each employee spends on the job. It allows you to know how much your employees work, how much they earn, and what benefits they receive from the company.

DeskTrack is a web-based time-tracking application that keeps track of how much time your employees are spending on their smartphones, computers, and tablets. It’s easy to use and has been designed to be fully compatible with Google Apps. With DeskTrack, you can manage all employees’ time on a single dashboard and gain insights into the quality of their job performance.

How to track time using Desktrack?

If you’re looking to track time on a freelance project, Desktrack is an efficient and user-friendly online tool that can help keep you organized. Here are the steps I followed to use Desktrack successfully, using the example of tracking time on my current project.

DeskTrack time-tracking software is designed to make time tracking easy, effective, and simple. Its intuitive interface allows you to start tracking time straight away. Desktrack can track time on a real-time, hourly, daily, and weekly basis.

Desktrack is a time tracking tool for freelancers and other people who work alone. It also supports teams, as it allows you to manage several employees/freelancers at the same time. having said that, it is not the perfect solution nor a magic bullet. In fact, it is still largely lacking in areas such as project templates, invoice customization, and support for more currencies.

What are the benefits of employee time tracking software?

Employee time tracking software can be a great tool to help you manage your business more effectively. Here are some of the benefits:

It’s easy to use. Employee time tracking system is designed for users, so it’s easy to understand how it works and use it without training. For example, many employee time tracking systems have self-service functions that let you input your employees’ work hours automatically.

You can see every single thing that your employees do during their working hours using employee time tracking software. You will be able to see when they started working, what tasks they completed, and how much time they spent on each task. The data will help you better understand how your employees spend their time at work, which areas need improvement and which resources are needed in order to improve productivity.

Employee time tracking system helps with compliance issues related to payroll taxes, overtime payments, and other legal requirements related to employee time records.

An employee time tracking software will also help you calculate performance-related bonuses and salary increases. You can also set up notifications for when an employee has reached his target personal or business goal. Employee time tracking software also helps you keep track of shift rotations to ensure that shifts are covered by each employee appropriately.

Are your employees active during work hours?

Have you ever wondered how your employees spend their time when they’re not at work? In the past, many managers assumed that employees were primarily focused on completing their tasks and getting through the day. But if you think about it, that doesn’t make much sense: At all. If an employee is going to be at home or out with friends or family members, why would they need to complete any work?

But today’s generation is different from previous generations in terms of how they use their time—and it’s not always for work-related activities. In fact, a recent study by DeskTrack revealed that 65% of American workers. Now spend less than 20% of their time working. And this includes not just people who are part-time employees or freelancers but also full-time workers who have flexible schedules. Plus, it’s not just Millennials who are spending less time at work. Gen Xers and Boomers are also spending less time doing actual work than they did five years ago.

Desktrack can provide proof of employee activities

Desktrack saves time and money by streamlining processes. With Desktrack, you can create a single record for each employee performing the same task. You can track the time devoted to each activity. And then generate reports that show how much time was spent on each task and what was accomplished during that time.

Desktrack is a way to manage your workforce more effectively, saving money on payroll costs and improving productivity.

DeskTrack can provide proof of employee activities. By tracking time and attendance, you will be able to keep track of your employees’ whereabouts. This can help prevent fraud. As it is easier to track when a person is on the premises than when they aren’t.

We have a powerful reporting feature that allows you to see who has been where and when. You can also use this feature to track how many hours an employee works in a week or month.

Helps you to create an employee time sheet. And the system can be used in a variety of ways to monitor and manage employees.

It can be used to track everything from hours worked, to attendance and even productivity levels.

It’s easy to set up and use. it simply enters the information into your system, adds users, and then customizes the screens according to your own needs.

Also, add comments that allow you to keep track of who was working where and when.

we can even set up different sections for different departments within your company so that they’re easier to follow and manage.

Easy team collaboration with shared timesheets

We want to make it easy for you to collaborate with your team. That’s why we’ve created DeskTrack, a tool for managing your time, expenses, and projects.

All you have to do is log in and start working on your task! Once you’re logged in. You can see all of your team members’ timesheets and collaborate on projects together. We also offer unlimited time tracking so that you don’t have to worry about hitting any deadlines.

it’s a team of professionals who are dedicated to providing the best services possible.

that should know that as a company, we need to be able to keep track of our costs and expenses in order to stay on point with our budget.

it’s have found that this is much easier when we have multiple people working together on the same project.

DeskTrack is a project management tool that allows you to collaborate with your team on your billable hours. Instead of having to manually enter your time into the system. You can simply add an employee and assign them to a client. And they will be charged automatically. This makes it easy for everyone on your team to keep track of their hours and make sure they’re being paid correctly.


Employee activity is the essence of productivity. So, tracking employee time is essential for all business owners who value their business and want it to grow.

If you need an easy-to-use employee time tracking system. Desktrack gives you a lightweight way to make sure your organization is doing what it is supposed to be. It’s cloud-based and helps you measure the productivity of your team. while reducing the amount of work needed on your end. It’s a great alternative to Time Doctor and ensures that all hours are tracked.

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