Home » Google Display Network | Responsive Display Ads | Click To Know

Google Display Network | Responsive Display Ads | Click To Know

by Nathan Zachary
Google display network

What are Responsive Display Ads?

When you should use RDA?

Why to choose Responsive Display Ads?

These are the probable questions that come along with the title of this article. But before answering these questions about the responsive Display Ads, why not get to know its platform, the Google Display Network, better?

The Google Display Network is a platform where you can find more than 200 million videos, sites, and applications on which you can feature your  Google ads. Several businessmen employ the Google Display Network to market their products because their products will instantly reach 90% users of the internet, globally. 

The benefits of the Google Display Network is the brand itself, offering exceptional marketing. However, the entire value of Google Display Network comes down to ‘reach’ & ‘affordability’. Bypassing costlier competition from the other networks.

Things You Need To Know About Responsive Display Ads

What are Responsive Display Ads?

RDA is usually produced from a collection of assets which include, headlines, images, descriptions, videos, logos, and so on and so forth, for the platform, Google Display Network. Google generates advertisement combinations automatically, for applications, websites, Gmail, and YouTube. Responsive Display Ads can be wonderfully incorporated into Display campaigns.

Pros Of  Responsive Display Ads

There are several benefits of RDA. Here we will discuss the key benefits of responsive display ads.

1. Optimizing The Advertisements:

When we build an RDA, we transmit various assets into the Google Ads. Google’s Machine Learning model then analyzes the optimal amalgamation of assets concerning each advertisement slot on the basis of the ads performance history.

2. The Massive Reach:

The advantage of Responsive Display Ad is its massive reach. One can upload several assets under one asset type. For instance, multiple headlines, images, logos, and videos. Meanwhile, The Google Ads automatically makes adjustments to the size, format, and appearance of your advertisements. 

These alterations are required for the ad to fit into any available space allotted for the ads. For instance, a Responsive Display Ad might get portrayed as a banner advertisement on one website & a dynamic text advertisement on some other website.

3. Utilization Of Videos:

Addition of videos to the Responsive Display Ads to trigger maximization of one’s reach on the Google Display Network, has been one of the common practices. Google Ads will use your videos instead of images only after a detailed analysis of the videos. 

If it turns out that your videos will perform better, only then can they be utilized.

4. Saving Time:

You can cut off the overhead required to manage the advertisement portfolios within the advertisement campaigns and groups.

How can you do it?

Simple, use The Responsive Display Ads. This way, you also get to invest more time to improve your performance. 

5. Utilization Of Feeds:

The biggest feature of the Responsive Display  Ads would be showing customized content to the consumers from a feed that you operate from. These include advertisements for products that people have already noticed on the site or application. 

With the addition of a feed to the campaign, the advertisements will instantly get featured in both dynamic & static formats. Responsive Display Ads are an amazing source if you are looking for some cheap traffic.

Read more: Tech Trends Pro, Follow The Fashion, Social Media Magazine, Online Health Media, Search Engine Magazine.

Cons Of The Responsive Display Ads

1. The Display Ads Will Lack Branding:

All good things come with a certain set of flaws. You will have to understand that Google comes with a set of generic templates. All the advertisements will look similar. Either with the other ads of your brand or with that of your competitors.

Google will not distinguish between brands or ads. It will create similar ads for everybody. More of a bulk production.

2. No Control Over The Ads Combinations:

Just like the branding, here too you will have no control. Google will place your textual & visual content into their own template and create a rather generic amalgamation. This means the texts can be paired with random and irrelevant images. As a result of which, the combinations would neither convert nor will they make sense.

Performance Measuring

There is an application called ‘Conversion Tracking’ that helps you track the conversions & actions people perform on the site or application. The actions may range from simple clicks to sign-ups, requesting quotes, and even purchasing a commodity.

Although, having full knowledge of the Display Campaigns means that you see through those mere clicks. This is when the engaged-view conversions come into play. Engaged-view conversions are considered a more ‘robust’ and  ‘non-click’ in terms of the conversion metric. It serves as statements of Responsive Display Ads.  

This data can now be juxtaposed with the video contents and featured accordingly.

Read more: Rsl Online, Blog Stellar, Smart Business Daily, Finance Team, Insights Of America.


I hope I have been able to provide the basic knowledge concerning Responsive Display Ads. Now that you are in sync with the knicks and knacks of the Google Display Network, it will be easier for you to decide. Decide on whether to opt for Responsive Display Ads or Custom Display Ads.

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