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How Cloud Hosting Helps Secure Your Data

by Nathan Zachary

All website owners house a lot of vital and sensitive information on their servers. Security has to always be a priority given the fact that threats always evolving and looking for ways to breach your security to cause damage. Every business owner also has to deal with the protection of their customers’ data. Selecting a web hosting platform that guarantees maximum security while keeping it safe from being accessed by any unauthorized user extremely important.

Cloud hosting ensures that your entire website and database stored on a virtual server instead of a physical machine. There a several data centers involved in saving your data that are all interconnected. Both physical and virtual servers are involved. It ensures backups that help keep your data safe and reduce the possibility of your data being lost.

Since most web hosting options have just one server involved that has all the data on it. It heightens the risk of your data being harmed or breached. It could result in irrevocable data loss if your web hosting service has no backup option available.

What is cloud security?

Cloud security is a huge operation that ensures advanced security measures to help maximum safety and availability. These include legal compliance, firewalls, user authentication measures, and much more. It has a huge range of security measures to enforce powerful security around the entire cloud hosting where rests your data.

What are the advantages of cloud hosting in securing data?

If you’re unsure of the extent of security benefits that you can get from cloud hosting, take a look at this article. We have compiled a list of the advantages of cloud hosting. 

  • There are limits to physical security

There are unnecessary risks that come with in-house physical servers. You need to invest a lot of time and money to ensure its security from being physically stolen. Guards, sturdy locked rooms, and much more efficient measures required to ensure your physical servers completely safe. Cloud servers do not need all of this. You save a lot of money as a result. Your cloud web hosting service is responsible for taking care of the guards and other security measures that enforced day and night. Their operation is so large that physical theft is not in the cards.

  • Accessibility

Cloud hosting allows access from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet access on your device. Your data is stored on the cloud online instead of on a single server or computer. Hence this kind of infrastructure helps any authenticated user with the proper credentials to use an internet connection and access the data from any place in the world. 

  • Proactive threat management

Cloud hosting employs a team of experts with huge experience to ensure there is maximum security at every point of your system so that there are no vulnerabilities for malicious attackers to exploit. A cloud security solution needs to include continuous monitoring, cutting-edge technology, matured processes, and visibility to ensure brilliant threat management. There are several DDoS attacks that avoided with traffic disbursement and keeping a constant eye on your system to ensure the risk is brought down to a minimum.

  • Data monitoring

Cloud hosting supports real-time data mirroring. Usually, data mirroring refers to the data being duplicated from one server to another. There are several advantages to data mirroring including the fact that in case of a disaster such as theft or system failure, you still will be able to retain your data. It is vital to have theft prevention measures enforced along with a recovery plan to ensure complete protection of your data.

  • 24/7 staff availability

To completely ensure data center security at all times, you need to get 24/7 security. That can keep a lookout for any possible attacks. The majority of companies find this to be out of their budget. Cloud service has staff that works 24/7 that can guarantee continuous security.

  • Easy backup and restoration

Disasters can hit at any time leading to huge and at times irreversible losses. These could be natural disasters that you might not have any way to predict. Cloud hosting has your entire database backed up regularly in a distant secure location. Which allows easy restoration in case your data gets lost. 

  • Scalability

Cloud computing solution adapts to the changes in your web hosting requirements. And adjusts several elements accordingly including capacity, costs, safety, and much more. So if there is a huge amount of traffic, your cloud hosting server will scale your resources accordingly to ensure continuous smooth functioning. However, if the demand falls, so do the resources and the cost alongside it. This protects your entire system.

  • Conclusion

While there are several businesses that still stick to the idea that having an in-house server is better from the security perspective, this is actually not true. The advantages of cloud security put into the spotlight the multiple ways in which cloud security is the superior choice in security. Select the perfect and best cloud server hosting provider and enjoy maximum security with the latest next-generation technology.

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