by Nathan Zachary
RPG Game Development Company

Have you considered creating your own role-playing game? Do you want to work and live by creating role-playing games? This is the ultimate guide to creating an authentic role.

I’m not going to explain what a role-playing game is because if you’re here, it’s because you’re familiar with the term; otherwise, you wouldn’t consider making one. Because, no matter who you are, you cannot perform a role play if you have never played the role.

The following content is a compilation of the advice and learnings of many of the North’s great role creators.

American manufacturing. I’ll summarise nine years of lessons learned from the forge and the publication of the independent role. 

All of this information comes from many of the great authors and game designers whose works have earned a place on the podium of the best RPG Game Development Service in history, not from me. 

That being said, do not bother criticizing destructively what is exposed here, because you will make a fool of yourself unless you have published a role play that is among the top ten in the world.

Direct and to the point.

We begin with the assumption that you want to create a role play from scratch. Before I explain what you must do, let me show you what you must NOT do.


To avoid countless disappointments and humiliations, and so that you can devote all of your time to better focusing the project, the first step is to understand what NOT to do:


Fear of failure drives us to seek the “magic formula” for success in whatever we do. I’ll save you the trouble of looking: there is no such formula. Making a product for profit will never yield results that you are proud of. Furthermore, people’s opinions are volatile and can change before and after seeing the final product.

Another reason for not trusting market research is that this niche is too small; it is not as simple as asking who likes Coca Cola and who likes Pepsi, because RPGs are not the most popular hobby in any country’s society (unfortunately).


Make the game you want to play because you want to. That must be the only reason; because you want to and will enjoy the process. The general public cannot make a comment on something that does not exist. And, while they may get a sense of the project, it will never be clear enough for their opinion to convince them that this is what they will experience when they play it.

And then something happens…

Who would have guessed that a game pitting dinosaur-riding gunmen against reptilian aliens would be a hit?

No one. What kind of market would welcome such a thing?

Let’s say you have an idea for some cereals. But before you do them, you design the container that will hold them, complete with your drawing, and you solicit feedback from the public. How will they know if they like those cereals based solely on the packaging? It’s ridiculous. And yet, the same thing happens in a role play. How do you want someone to think about an experience they won’t be able to have? All you’re doing is asking your target audience if they think the cereal box is attractive.

Most people who are interested in a market study or whether or not they enjoy their role playing have no idea about the real numbers that drive the industrial role. Instead of being concerned about unforeseeable issues, consider the following: “Should I print 6,000 copies or 12,000?”

Do not pretend, and do not expect your RPG to make you a millionaire. Simply do it. That which you take if it succeeds and you become wealthy. And if not, you’re back where you started, but with a great game you enjoy on the shelf.

If you have the chance, ask people who have already published a role play to tell you how it went.

Experience is something that cannot be taught in a classroom, and no one can be prepared for any unforeseen event. Even the largest publishers, which have been in business for decades, are facing situations in which chance plays a significant role.

And here comes the big question…


This is a question that anyone who has fantasized about “living the role” has asked a thousand times. Many others, optimists, dream of creating a role-playing game that will catapult them to fame, a role-playing game that will allow them to live off of it for the rest of their lives. The new generation’s outstanding role-playing abilities. Is this a reasonable thought?

Both yes and no.

A few hundred copies of a good RPG are sold. The biggest hits only sell a few thousand copies. Lucas Crane, the creator of Burning Wheel, has sold enough to devote his full time to this endeavor. He is now a professional editor and game designer who has spent years promoting his work.

All of this is to say that you should seek balance. Do not believe that your RPG is not worthwhile and that you will devote less time to it than it deserves, but also do not believe that you will be the next revelation author and that your game will change the industry. There is virtue in virtue.

It is ideal if you have additional assistance.


What exactly is your game about? What is your strongest suit? You must be very clear about what distinguishes your role play. Normally, an original idea is insufficient; the product must be sufficiently novel to pique the interest of potential buyers. Now, neither extreme (a game based on another that adds nothing to the industry) nor another (a game so original and experimental that it is hardly accepted by a publisher and few will be the intrepid players who dare to try it ). You’ll have to think about this a lot.


The game’s vision must be consistent across the board. You cannot create a cocktail by combining ideas that you like. This will be unsustainable at some point in the future. Furthermore, it is a very childish and dishonest attitude; it is one thing to create a role-playing game that you enjoy, but it is quite another to create a role-playing game specifically for you as a player.

You must be very clear on this point, because it will have an impact on the entire structure and design of the game, either because you will add things to support that vision or elements, or because it is the key to selling to which you will turn.

As a result, before moving on to the second stage of development, you must be able to answer the following six questions completely clearly:

  • What is the theme of your game?
  • What distinguishes your game from others?
  • What do you hope players will do with your game?
  • What kinds of stories will be told in a game?
  • What types of things should not occur in the game?
  • What are your rules doing to support all of this?

It is critical that the player within you enjoys the creation of the role play while remaining critical and objective. You should never avoid self-criticism. 

A role play is a reflection of its creator’s tastes and preferences, and as such, the author must strive to be fair and honest with himself. 

Even Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, the creators of what is widely regarded as the first RPG, betrayed their love for Tolkien and the epic medieval fantasy that engulfed popular literature at the time. 

If you participate in a role-playing game, you will most likely notice the types of games you prefer as a player.

The style and type of game are also important factors in determining whether or not your idea will work. 

There are formats that are incompatible with what setting, just as you cannot claim that a tragic story is the foundation of a comedy.


This “No” will allow you to focus on what your true game is. If you are asked, “What can the players do?” “You can do whatever you want!” says the answer. 

Then you simply said to that person, “It’s like GURPs, you have complete freedom to do whatever you want.” So, what do you have to offer?

“Freedom is slavery,” wrote George Orwell in his novel 1984. This, in one of its many forms, is entirely applicable to the situation at hand.

 Allowing the characters to do everything will overwhelm the players. Limits are necessary for any type of game player, regardless of format.

Every game has its own set of constraints that define it… Minecraft, too, has limitations! What are Minecraft’s limitations? Something as simple as the inability to create a figure with no angles. That is precisely its allure and what distinguishes it. 

Within its own constraints. With a little imagination, any group of players can pick up a history book and set up an adventure in any era. 

They do not require your regulations. “You can do whatever you want” does not compel me to purchase your RPG. 

I can improvise a role-playing game where “I can do whatever I want” with a blank sheet of paper and a pen. In a sense, when a player searches for a role-playing game, He does not consider his possibilities, but rather his limitations.

If, for example, I am interested in samurai stories, Japan’s Edo era, and everything that surrounds that era… I, as a player, can play GURPs or Milestones, or any game that allows me to set the adventure in any location and time. GAMING AND TECHNOLOGY HOW VIDEO GAMES HAVE TRANSFORMED KIDS

 Now, if you tell me there’s a role-playing game called The Legend of the Five Rings, where everything takes place in that atmosphere (stories of samurai, ninjas, the Edo period, etc.) and has countless details that add colour and freshness unique to that universe, I’ll definitely stick with The Legend of the Five Rings!


A good Elevator Pitch is required for any creative project, not just role-playing games. That is, you must be able to express much of the game’s essence in a few sentences.

 What would you say if someone in a hurry who knows nothing about your RPG asked you HOW it is or WHAT it is? If it takes you half an hour to tell them or if you pause in the middle of the question… your game DOES NOT WORK, it’s in diapers, or it’s a bad idea.


Why should game designers be any different? Artists visit museums, musicians listen to music, writers read books…

 why should game designers be any different? Understand the world in which you work by delving deep into it and experiencing all of its formats and modalities.  Best games like Contra in 2022

Do not limit yourself to what you know, Rolera: you must branch out and try everything that is put in front of you.

It is not always about looking for inspiration. Simply put, by trying new games, you will gain a broader and more accurate understanding of what works, which will have an impact on your work in some way. You might even find something that works exactly like what you were thinking, but in a much simpler way. It’s always a good idea to be aware of your options and well-informed.

However, do not become stuck in the norm. And to break through that comfort zone, try the following:

  • Play a role-playing game on a system that does not have the Game Director.
  • Play a role-playing game in which players can narrate the outcomes of their own actions.
  • Play a role-playing game with emotion and social relationship statistics.
  • Play a role-playing game that involves more than just killing enemies.
  • Take part in a role-playing game with an interpretation challenge.

There are obviously many more game models besides the ones listed here, but these are some of the most fundamental ones you should experiment with, whether you are a role-playing designer or a video game programmer. And these are the traditional formats found in video games:

  • Platforms for puzzle games
  • Fight \sMMO
  • Real-time planning (RTS)

Knowing these types of games firsthand is required to be well-informed. You should have played at least one of these before considering creating your own RPG.

 Obviously, there are many more things within the genre, but these are the most fundamental things that a game designer, scriptwriter, or video game programmer must be familiar with.

Cubix is well-known for inventing NFT gaming and for its versatility. We have over 50 skilled game developers who are well-versed in blockchain technology. 

Do you need game developers to create your RPG games? Hire our RPG developers on a daily, weekly, or part-time basis. We promise to provide realistic 3D games with vibrant backgrounds, realistic sound effects, and engaging avatars.

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