Home » How to Draw a Cartoon Christmas Tree

How to Draw a Cartoon Christmas Tree

by Nathan Zachary
How to Draw a Cartoon Christmas Tree

How to Draw a Cartoon Christmas Tree. Christmas is one of the most wonderful moments of the year! It is a magical opportunity where gifts are exchanged, and beautiful colorful decorations go up at the house and on the streets.

One of the decorations most associated with the season is Christmas trees, which can come in various ways, sizes, and styles! Learning to draw a cartoon Christmas tree is a great way to project your perfect Christmas tree.

It is the guide to make sure you want to know how to do exactly that! The steps of this tutorial shows how you can draw a beautiful tree.

We hope you enjoy a celebration time, whatever the year you embark on this step-by-step guide on how to draw a cartoon Christmas tree in just 6 steps!

You can draw many more characters like bow and arrow drawing, Anubis drawing, betta fish drawing, cobra drawing, blueberry drawing and coconut drawing.

Drawing Christmas tree

Step 1:

We will start this guide on how to draw a cartoon Christmas tree with the base of the tree. You can start with a rounded shape at the bottom.

So let’s draw the tree trunk. It will be designed using two lines that bow inside and enter the oval you started. Then we will draw the lower branches of the tree.

The Christmas trees are very thorny and angular, and we will draw them using more curved lines that point out points at the ends. These clear forms will have different sizes, as shown in the reference image.

Step 2:

In this second stage of the cartoon Christmas tree design, we will draw the next section of the tree while adding more refined details. To draw the next section, you can continue drawing curved lines with clear sections at the ends, as you did to the tree’s base.

It will also be folded inward because we will make the tree shrink more and more than you get. Then add more curved lines inside the outline. Finally, draw some texture lines inside the -ma -meat door to give this wooden look.

Step 3:

Now you can draw the next section of this third step in our guide on drawing a cartoon Christmas tree! As we mentioned in the previous step, the tree will admire as you assemble it, which is true for this part.

Otherwise, you will do exactly what you did for the few previous steps. It means drawing more curved lines with clear advice and adding some of these details within the outline. There will be one last section of the tree to draw, so let’s take care of it in the next step!

Step 4:

The funniest part of the installation of a Christmas tree is the decorations, but before you do it, you must first finish the outline. Now we will finish the last section of the tree, and it will be even thinner for this last section.

The sharp curved lines you designed for branches move in until they culminate in a thin point at the top. You can finish this step by drawing the first of the decorations.

It will be a star on the top, a common Christmas tree decoration. Then you will be ready to finish with beautiful tree decorations at the next stage!

Step 5:

How to Draw a Cartoon Christmas Tree

This stage of the Christmas tree design of your cartoon will see you with great decorations! In our reference image, we show a way to decorate the tree, but there are many other ways to do so too.

We will analyze some of these ways at this stage, but at the moment, we will address the decorations as they appear in our image. We use many circle forms for some tree balls and add beautiful stars. Now you can add excellent decorations!

It may include elements like Snake garlands around the tree, or you can add different types of decorations. If you have decorations you like to use on your real Christmas tree, you can project this tree to look like your own! How will you finish this beautiful tree?

Step 6:

How to Draw a Cartoon Christmas Tree

We used a beautiful soft green for the leaves and kept the colors for the different pleasant and varied decorations. You can also use similar colors, but you should feel free to use all the other colors you like!

Christmas trees can come in all the colors you can imagine so that you can use all your favorite colors. You can also experience fun art tools and media or even integrate crafts; we can barely wait to see how you end!

3 Other tips for the drawing of the Christmas tree in your cartoon!

Make the designer Christmas tree outline a little easier with the help of these 3 tips. This delicious drawing of a cartoon Christmas tree was made in a style that is not so detailed. It can be misleading, however, because some of the details included can be quite delicate.

If you have problems with one of these details, it should not seem to include them. You can choose a simpler style and delete some of the most delicate details. You can get to the point of contouring the cartoon Christmas tree and adding some small lines and decorations.

If you find a drawing style easy, you should adapt it here. Then you can use a pencil and some basic ways to make it easy to handle this cartoon Christmas design. For example, you can start with a triangular shape as an outline.

Then you can add more and more layers with the pencil using these basic forms to guide it. With each layer of detail, you can make the image increasingly defined.

Soon, it will be the design, so you can use your pen to draw the final keys. Once the pencil is erased, you will have a wonderful drawing finished!

Finally, you can use a real tree to help it with the animated cartoon of the Christmas tree. If you are near Christmas and there is a real Christmas tree in your home, you have the perfect model!

Otherwise, you can use photos of past Christmas trees in your home as inspiration and help it with the forms and details of the cartoon Christmas tree.

As a hint, you can also look for some photos of Christmas trees and use them to help you as you draw. This way, you can make fun variations of different Christmas tree conceptions!

Your cartoon Christmas tree drawing is complete!

We hope you have fun capturing the Christmas spirit in this guide on how to draw a cartoon Christmas tree! Now that you have finished the steps, you can see how fun and easy it can be. We also wanted to make it easy for you to customize and add to the image.

You can do this by adding decorations, changing the colors, or maybe even drawing a fun background! What other ways can you think to finish this magnificent tree?

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