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How to get followers on Instagram

by Nathan Zachary
How to get Instagram Followers?

How to get followers on Instagram

Are You an Instagram User and want to gain more Instagram followers quickly? There are two ways to increase your Instagram. First, you can increase your followers by Buying Instagram Followers, and second, you can increase your Followers manually. If you want to increase your followers on Instagram, follow the actions we share to grow your account.

Create an Instagram strategy

Instagram was created in 2010 as an app to share photos of a user’s most memorable moments. Over time, it became the preferred social network for the millennial generation and, little by little, with the Z generation. Although at the beginning of 2022, it was confirmed that the app has 1.393 billion active users per month and ceased to be a photo-sharing app, today is an effective marketing channel.

Whether you have a company or a personal brand, every Business has goals and objectives. And for the above, a marketing strategy is defined. As you have surely already realized, Instagram is one of the acquisition channels within your plan (as are Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, etc.). For this reason, the content you generate within the app must be aligned with your main objectives as a brand but, at the same time, adapted to the platform.

If one of your goals is to advertise a specific product or service to increase sales, Instagram is a channel to help you achieve it by reaching a much larger audience. In fact, getting followers on Instagram is an objective aligned with the one we mentioned initially: to make a product or service known. Do you see how they are related? Here are some examples of how to define your goals aligned with your increase in followers:

Increase awareness of your Business and your offer

Get the audience to interact with your content

Attract visits to your profile

Sell ​​​​products or services from your Instagram or website

Don’t you know how to define your objectives and goals within Instagram? Think about the following questions:

Why do you want to have a presence on Instagram?

How will Instagram help you achieve your brand marketing goals?

How much time and budget are you willing to invest in the app?

Does Instagram offer you something different than other social media platforms?

It is essential to mention that for any definition of objectives, you must think of the SMART approach. This allows you to align your actions (publish more posts) to reach your goal (get more followers) and know if you are succeeding by measuring metrics.

SMART goals are defined as follows:

SPECIFIC: Your goals must be specific

MEASURABLE: Your goals must be measurable using success metrics

ACHIEVABLE: Your goals must be possible within your possibilities

RELEVANT: Your goals must be relevant to your Business

TIME-BOUND: Your goals must be measured in the space of time. They must have a start and end date

Once you have an idea of ​​your goals within the app, you need to review the metrics by which you will measure your success. For example, if you currently have 500 followers and your goal is to get more followers, a 5% monthly or weekly increase is a success metric.

Define your audience

Once you’ve defined your overall Instagram strategy, it’s time to express your audience. If you made it to this article on how to get followers on Instagram, you probably already have an idea of ​​your ideal audience. We propose some questions and points to consider when defining it:

Age range


Location: Country, cities



What content do they interact with the most?

What do they use Instagram for?

What hashtags do they use frequently?

What are the communities they are part of?

What are the most common problems they have with your product or service offer?

Audit your profile to get followers on Instagram

Yes, before continuing with the best strategies to get followers on Instagram, you must know what you are doing and your areas of opportunity. Now that you have defined your objectives within the platform and your audience, it is time to audit your profile and content to find out what you can improve.

We list some revisions that you can carry out within your audit:

What content has been published?

What percentage of interaction has the content had?

What have content formats been most successful?

Are the profiles I follow relevantly?

Is my brand voice perceived within my posts?

Is my branding fluid?

Do my current followers align with my audience?

Don’t forget to keep your Instagram goals in mind when auditing your profile. Analyzing in-depth, you will be able to see your areas of opportunity and thus continue with the best strategies to get followers on Instagram.

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Research your competition or similar profiles

How to get followers on Instagram by researching my competition? First, you must know what your competition does in the app. Then, you can learn from them and define how to differentiate yourself to attract your ideal audience.

Although it is not an action that directly affects your numbers, you must know what other profiles are doing and what type of content is the most successful. Better yet, for you, what kind of posts are not working?

Perhaps a direct competitor publishes only promotional content, which does not attract attention and has little participation from its followers. If you detect this, you can take advantage and differentiate yourself by creating content that is more attractive to users, and that speaks more about their interests.

Develop your branding

Your brand will make you recognizable on Instagram; it is your identity and how your followers perceive you. Therefore, you must have a clear idea of ​​how you want your target audience to see you. If you haven’t defined your branding yet, it’s time for you to start.

Some aspects to take into account are:

The colors you will use in your publications: The type of content it will generate (photos, videos, carousels) and that it is consistent. We

The brand tone or voice: It is the one you will use for any communication of your brand and that you must adapt to the medium, in this case to Instagram


Use of images or videos of people or vectors

Branding on Instagram get followers

These are some key points that you should keep in mind when thinking about how to get followers on Instagram, but remember that, above all else, consistency is the key.

Establish your Instagram profile

Before you start posting on Instagram, make sure you set up your profile correctly. This means filling out your bio, adding a profile photo, and selecting a username relevant to your brand. Remember that your profile is the first impression an Instagram user has of your brand. So what do you have to do?

Upload your logo or clear image

Essential information about you or your business brand

Contact information

Take advantage of the 150 characters to define a clear and concise description

add a link

Set your profile as Business

Once you have defined your profile on Instagram, we recommend changing it to a business or business profile. Why? Instagram gives more tools to these profiles, including posts with the possibility of purchase, self-publishing, and adding links to stories. These steps help you to get or gain more Instagram Followers.Follow these steps to change your profile to a Business profile:

Create a Facebook page for your Business

Select business category

name your page

Upload a profile picture

Connect your Facebook business page with Instagram

Go to your Instagram profile

Select the “Settings” or “Adjustments” option

In the menu, you will find the option to “Switch to Business Profile” or “Switch to a Business account.”

Update your business information: email, number, and address

Select “Done” or “Finish”


Post-quality content to get followers on Instagram

One of the essential factors in getting new followers on Instagram is posting high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. This means creating images and videos that are visually appealing and offer value to your followers. The key here is to understand that Instagram is a visual social network, so the use of copy or text must be for a specific purpose.

Post quality content to get followers on Instagram

To post quality content on Instagram, you can use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create images that stand out or use video editing platforms like InVideo to post your professional-quality videos.

To take your content strategy one step further, take advantage of other content formats, such as Instagram Stories or live streams, to connect with your followers more personally.

Take advantage of all Instagram content formats

Post images, videos, carousels, reels, and stories. Each of the publication formats on Instagram has a specific objective. Use them to keep your followers engaged and interested in your post.

Instagram stories

This makes it perfect for sharing content behind the scenes, promoting new products, and running contests. In addition, stories have interactive features such as questions, polls, and stickers.

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