Home » IFSC Code: What Is The Use & How To Find It?

IFSC Code: What Is The Use & How To Find It?

by Nathan Zachary
IFSC Codes

IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. It represents the 11-digit character that is present on the cheque leaves of the bank or other sponsored bank materials. The IFSC code helps identify the individual branches of certain banks that take part in different financial online transactions like RTGS and NEFT.

What is IFSC Code?

IFSC code is employed by electronic payment applications, including NEFT, RTGS, and CFMS. This code is very important for bank transfers from one account to another. A unique code is assigned to every bank branch, and no two branches have the same IFSC code. 

The first four digits of an IFSC code represent the bank, while the last six characters denote the bank branch. The fifth character is always zero. For example, for SBI IFSC Code, the first four letters of the 11-digit IFSC are ‘SBIN’, and the last six digits represent a particular branch of the bank. Suppose the SBI IFSC Code of the branch at Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi, is SBIN0005943, where the first four letters represent the bank and the last six digits, ‘ 005943’, represent the branch code.

How to find the IFSC Code of your branch?

Following are the different ways to find the IFSC of your bank branch:

Cheque leaf

The simplest way of getting your bank branch’s IFSC code is by referring to your chequebook. The address of the branch is mentioned in full at the top of the corner on the left-hand side of the cheque leaf. An 11-digit code is found at the end of the address, and it is the IFSC.


This is another method that can be used to find your IFSC. Check the first sheet of your passbook, where it mentions your account and branch details. The IFSC can be found there. 

RBI website

Another easy way to find the IFSC of your bank branch is by referring to the Reserve Bank of India’s official website. Go to the ‘IFSC Codes’ tab and click on the name of your bank branch from the drop-down menu. The IFSC code for your bank branch will show up on the website. If you are not aware of your bank branch, don’t worry. A list of IFSC codes for all the branches of a particular bank is furnished by RBI, from where you can choose your relevant branch.

Bank website

Branch Locator services are available on the official websites of almost all banks. You can visit the official website of the bank to access the locator tool. Find the IFSC code of your bank branch by clicking on the locator tool. Once you locate your bank branch, you can find more information related to it. 

While the branch name can be used to determine the IFSC code, the IFSC can also be inversely used to determine the bank branch. Using the IFSC, you can find details related to the bank on its official website. Even a simple Google search on IFSC can get you the address of the bank branch it represents. If you happen to enter an incorrect IFSC while performing an online transaction, don’t worry. The funds will be credited back to the account the transaction was made from. This is seen if you happen to make a transaction to an account holder with a particular IFSC that doesn’t match the database of the bank. 


We hope that this blog helps you understand what IFSC is, how it works, and how you can find the IFSC for different bank branches of India. Check out our other blogs for more information regarding similar topics.

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