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Interactive Data Visualization with Power BI: Tools and Techniques

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Interactive Data Visualization with Power BI: Tools and Techniques

Businesses have a lot of data and information flowing in every day that needs sorting. Often, this is not something a simple hands-on bookkeeping can solve on its own. This is where data visualization and modeling come in handy.

This is the process of analyzing, segregating, and representing all the different parts of the data your business gathers and produces. It then establishes a visual relationship among those individual elements.

This is done through graphical representations, visualization tools such as symbols, data modeling, and texts to store all your information for access. Ultimately, you and your business are to use all of this data. Data Visualization in Power BI is essentially an exercise in understanding and visualizing your data requirements.

Conceptual data modeling

This is a type of modeling that deals with the overarching structure of your company and its information. This sort of sorting and visualization is used for organizing business ideas. Any conceptual or visual data model is swayed by the stakeholders in your business as well as the data architects working on building this visualization.

For instance, if you have a set of customers, workers, and a bunch of product data- each of these individual units and categories of data are known as entities. Each entity enjoys a unique relationship with other entities. The role of conceptual data modeling is to establish these relationships.

Logical data modeling

When you have the conceptual data model figured out, you move on to the logical model. This deals with specific cases of data inside each entity bucket. It aims to establish the relationships between the individual attributes of each singular entity. 

For example, let’s assume a buyer purchases an object from a sales associate. The logical and technical models go hand in hand to visualize how this pathway of this transaction looks when you take into consideration the relationship between these three entities- that is, the customer, the products, and the person bridging the two together. 

Physical data modeling

This is the task of using all the information gathered and visualized in the logical modeling stage for database administration. Once the physical data is visualized and modeled, it is then made available on the company databases. This data can then be used throughout the circuit of the entire business network to make sure people can use it for their work. This is basically the final stage of data visualization, and the previous two stages have all been leading towards this.

Wrapping Up

This brings us closer to some of the data visualization and modeling techniques that go into power BI. These are the building blocks for archiving all the data and information that flows through a business operation. These three techniques of information sorting determine how the data being gathered and created by an organization are made available to the people working to use them.

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