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Lack of Water in the Middle of a Pandemic

by Nathan Zachary

The COVID-19 epidemic is affecting the entire planet, and frequent handwashing is one of the best preventative measures we can take. For many of us, it is easy and affordable, but sadly, billions of people are having trouble adhering to this safety practise because they don’t have access to enough water.

Water is crucial for maintaining good sanitation and cleanliness, which aids in the prevention of disease. As the global effort to combat COVID-19 continues, it is evident that those who have limited access to aqua resources find it more challenging to stop the disease from spreading. 40% of the world’s population, the majority of whom reside in remote locations, slums, and unofficial communities, lack access to indoor handwashing stations and inadequate water supplies. Additionally, a billion people who live with piped water see frequent shutoffs that make frequent handwashing challenging or impossible.

Governments increase their efforts to provide water access and handwashing facilities to populations with a scarcity of water in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. They specifically construct handwashing stations for high-density public areas including bus stops, marketplaces, restaurants, and taxi lines. Additionally, they promote the placement of portable handwashing stations or the provision of hand sanitizers at the entrances of businesses including grocery stores, banks, and apartment buildings.

International agencies like the Red Cross, WHO (World Health Organization), UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), and UN-Water (United Nations Water) are also providing aid, particularly to urban poor people residing in slums where there is a high population density that can hasten the spread of COVID-19. In addition to constructing handwashing stations, these international organisations also provide technical assistance, trainings, and information about COVID-19, particularly about how to stop the disease from spreading.

One of the most efficient ways to stop the rising number of COVID-19 victims and build resilient communities is to address the issue of insufficient aqua supply. However, because the virus is spreading so quickly, the globe needs swift remedies. Although the government and international organisation actions may only be short-term fixes for the inadequate aqua supply, they are necessary and beneficial since COVID-19 is not only killing millions of people but also having an impact on the economy.

Long-term expenditures are necessary for long-term solutions to water supply issues. Governments must make capital investments in the treatment of water, which might cost billions of dollars annually because natural water from springs and rivers may contain pollutants from industrial, municipal, and agricultural effluent. In order to avoid a clean water shortage and provide enough water for community requirements, governments must also manage water resources wisely.

Fighting diseases like COVID-19 as well as other prevalent illnesses like diarrhoea and cholera, which have killed millions of people, may be extremely tough, especially for low-income nations. However, tackling water problems is crucial. Everyone has the right to get clean water. In addition to shielding us from infections, it also encourages personal hygiene and sanitation, both of which are crucial for maintaining good health and boosting self-esteem.

Not only in informal settlements and nations with limited aqua resources, but even in high-income nations, water shortage is getting worse. As water pollution worsens, it is getting harder to have a sufficient supply to meet community demands. Our resources are still being contaminated by the growth of our population and the construction of factories that produce hazardous chemical-containing water waste. To supply clean water to every household, governments are working hard and investing billions of dollars on water treatment, but for how long? The majority of us are fortunate to have access to clean water at our faucets, therefore we should all do our share to conserve resources. One easy thing we can do to help is to save water.

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