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Most Common Injury in the Elderly

by Nathan Zachary
Common Injury in Elderly

Even though the body is a complexly strong and powerful entity, it cannot totally endure the passage of time. The things that make you move and the bones that give you structure all begin to steadily decline as you age, and these physiological changes can cause some very severe injuries.

Falls and injuries in seniors

Approximately one-third of seniors over 65 falls each year, although this estimate is probably fairly low because many occurrences go unreported by seniors and unnoticed by family members or live in caregiver.

Age-related increases in fall risk make falls the primary cause of injury-related death in persons 65 and older. Over half of seniors fall each year by the age of 80.

Falls cause 87 percent of all fractures in the elderly. Within six months, two-thirds of people who fall will do it once more.

In comparison to older patients admitted for any other cause, older patients who fall spend nearly twice as much time in the hospital.

Every 200 falls among people 65 to 69 leads to one hip fracture. For people 85 years of age and older, that proportion rises to one in ten.

In the first six months following a hip fracture caused by a fall, one-fourth of seniors will pass away.

Despite the fact that many falls do not result in injuries, 47 percent of seniors who fall are unable to stand up on their own.

The time spent immobile for elderly people who fall and are unable to stand up on their own frequently has an impact on their health outcomes. Within 30 to 60 minutes after compression from falling, muscle cell disintegration begins. Other potential side effects include pneumonia, hypothermia, dehydration, and pressure sores.

Falls have a significant influence on the quality of life, injury or not. An increasing proportion of elderly persons limit their social and recreational activities due to a fear of falling. Further physical deterioration, sadness, social isolation, and a sense of helplessness may follow from this. The loss of independence is the most severe consequence of falling.

Home care services via a live-in caregiver can ensure that the senior can fall prevention in place. The ConsidraCare-approved elderly caregivers are well versed in tips for making sure. That the seniors are well protected and they eliminate any fall risks around the living space.

Traumatic brain injury: What is it?

The phrase “brain damage” refers to a broad range of ailments and harms to the head, skull, and brain. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) typically develops after a severe blow to the head or body that causes bleeding, swelling, bruising, or rupture of the brain tissue.

Because the brain is essential to your body’s healthy operation, any harm to it could alter how your body functions. For this reason, brain injuries frequently have a profound impact on the victim’s and their family’s quality of life. Milder concussions, which cause headaches and momentary confusion, or more serious ones that result in coma or even death, are examples of these injuries.

Injury severity scales for traumatic brain injuries

Although there are varying levels of severity for brain injuries, the same lesion may cause distinct symptoms in two people. Even if you think your brain injury is minor, you could nevertheless have severe and long-lasting consequences. There is no way to tell for sure if you or someone else has experienced a TBI or may be at risk as a result of one unless you seek medical assistance.

TBIs typically fall into one of three categories, depending on how serious the injury to your brain is as determined by a medical professional:

Mild Injury: If there is any loss of consciousness, it will only last a few seconds or minutes. The person need not lose consciousness; they may merely appear confused or bewildered. Medical tests for mild TBIs may indicate that the brain was not harmed, although this is not always the case. For this reason, when diagnosing mild TBIs and concussions, medical professionals pay particular attention to the victim’s mental state.

Moderate Injury: A moderate TBI is marked by the confusion that can linger for weeks and a loss of consciousness that can last for up to a few hours. Complications from a moderate TBI may be long-lasting or even permanent. These issues could be behavioral, cognitive, or physical. To deal with these difficulties, numerous therapy programs will be required.

Severe Injury: The most severe TBIs are caused by strikes that crush the skull or penetrate the brain. The victim’s condition is potentially fatal, and it is unlikely that they will recover their former way of life. Even though closed head injuries can cause severe brain damage, open head injuries usually cause severe head trauma because the skull has been severely damaged.

ConsidraCare provides home care services for senior home care by providing live-in caregivers. They make sure that any object or item is placed away from seniors that can cause a head injury in the elderly. The caregivers are professional and experienced and provide a higher safety chance to the senior than they have without aide.

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