Home » How To Get A Law Firm Ranked On Page 1 Of Google (Without Scams)

How To Get A Law Firm Ranked On Page 1 Of Google (Without Scams)

by Nathan Zachary
The Importance of SEO for Your Business and Website

Ranked On Page 1 There are innumerable ways to stand out Ranked On Page 1 from the crowd and increase your website’s ranking on the search engines. One popular method is to have a law firm website with a rich back-link profile, and related informative, persuasive and professional content that matches the needs of your target market. To get a law firm page 1 ranking in Google or Bing takes time, practice and commitment. To do it without scams, it takes content and SEO services from SEO expert Nate Voogt at The Empowered Lawyer Marketing Agency.

Here’s a true story… I recently had a discussion with one of my attorney clients about his new Google Ads campaign. He was trying to rank for someone who may want to use his services. He was paying for them, but wasn’t getting any clicks. We decided together that the system he had in place wasn’t getting him where he wanted to go (as far as search engine rankings). So we set up a meeting and came up with a plan to get him page 1 rankings .

Section: Optimize Your Website

There are several tools available that can be utilized in optimizing your website. These tools are of great use to an SEO and they can help improve interaction between the user and your website. I’ve chosen these tools based on their functionality, price points, and overall usefulness as well.


Have you ever visited a website that looked amazing but didn’t work? Or on the contrary, one with a poorly implemented site design that takes forever to load? The brilliant minds over at NetPages have created the perfect tool to improve your site’s performance.

Section: Optimize Your Google My Business Page

Do you want to act like a corporate giant with hundreds of thousands of fans on Facebook and Twitter but only have a few dozen people following you on Google My Business? Wait, what? Well if that describes your situation I’m here to help. It’s OK, most big companies overlook this free social media stream. They’re paying big bucks for their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages but not Google My Business.

Section: Create High-Quality Content

A good website needs to be updated regularly and that’s why you need to create high-quality content. Our high-quality content will make your visitors come back Ranked On Page 1 because they like what they see. You’ll need it if you want them to become regular visitors, if you want them to become customers and if you want them to recommend your site to their contacts.

What makes a piece of content “high-quality?” Is it writing style? The information it contains? Something else entirely? What kind of content is linked to the most by search engines? A lot of search engine optimization (SEO) experts try to claim that their definitions are the most relevant. So instead of trusting someone else, read this article and learn how to create high-quality content for yourself!

Section: Analyze Your Local Competition

It’s always good to know how your competition performs online. With the insights you’ll get on your industry, you will learn what works for them and more importantly, what doesn’t. Moreover, it’s also a good idea to analyze everyone in your city, state and country in order to generate the distinction between you and the others. https://legalfacts.org

Section: Monitor and Improve Your Rankings Over Time

Keeping track of your rankings over time is one of the best ways to evaluate how well your SEO strategy is working. If you’re constantly looking at how well your site is ranked for a specific keyword, it doesn’t tell you much. You need to be able to track progress over time. Follow these simple steps and learn some tips that will help you monitor and improve your rankings over time.
Takeaway: With the right game plan, you can rank on page 1 of Google without paying for each individual visitor.

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