Home » Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

by Nathan Zachary
Chughtai lab

What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a term employed since the 1970s to refer to the sudden death of a young infant, in which subsequent investigations have fail to determine the reason for the end. In 1989 an expert panel of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development changed their definitions of SIDS.

The current purpose of SIDS is “the unexpected death or death that occurs in an infant less than one-year-old that remains unsolved following an extensive case investigation including a full autopsy and examination of the funeral scene, and a review of the medical background.” In most cases, it’s similar to the terms ‘cot deaths and ‘crib deaths.


In the last two decades, the prevalence of SIDS has decreased dramatically since the launch of campaigns that aim to lower the chance of SIDS. Yet, it continues to be the most significant cause of death for infants between the ages of 1 month to 1 year in the developed world. In Australia, the rate of SIDS has been record as 0.84 for every 1,000 live births.

The prevalence of SIDS is different across countries, including Japan and The Netherlands had the lowest reported SIDS rates (0.4 and 0.3 per 1,000 live births, respectively). 90 percent of SIDS deaths occur within the first six months of life, with an average age between 2 and 4 months. The risk for boys is higher suffer from SIDS over girls. Additionally, there are more SIDS cases in certain racial or ethnic groups, like Indigenous Australians, New Zealand Maoris, African Americans, and Native Americans.

Risk Factors

Laying baby to bed on the stomach or the side (prone or sleeping sideways)

Smoking cigarettes before and after birth

Soft sleeping surfaces

Overheating/ overwrapping

• Bedsharing, especially for mothers who smoke, babies younger than 11 weeks drinking alcohol, or on couches or sofas

Prior SIDS death in the sibling

Low birth weight or premature infants

Don’t use a pacifier/soother during sleep

Not nursing

The other causes of sudden and unexpected death in the infant

There are some irregularities in heart rhythm

Metabolic diseases such as medium-chain-acetyl coenzyme a dehydrogenase deficit (MCAD)

Homicide/death child abuse

A sudden and overwhelming infection like pneumococcal or meningococcal sepsis

Seizure, causing your infant’s breathe to become unresponsive.


SIDS is usually seen in healthy infants. In most cases, infants are fed regularly and put in a bed to rest. During sleep, the infant ceases breathing and is placed on the same bed when put to sleep.

It could occur anytime during the day or at night, in all settings such as cots, prams, bassinets, car seats, and sofas. Sometimes, it’s evident that the baby has passed away, and other times the baby is admitted to a hospital to be confirm dead.

The doctor might inquire about the circumstances of the death, pregnancy-related complications, gestation and birth weight, developmental advancement, weight gain feeding medical information, family history, and prior SIDS deaths. An ancestor’s family history of deafness, sudden death, or epilepsy could help find the cause that is not SIDS.

The sudden loss of a baby is heartbreaking and traumatic for parents, siblings, parents, and the entire family. The immediate reaction could be denial, shock, disbelief, or numbness. The most common emotions experienced include anger, guilt, blame, and anxiety. It’s not uncommon for parents to find their reasons for the tragic incident or take responsibility for their loss. But, it’s essential to be aware that SIDS is not anyone else’s fault.

Clinical Examination

A doctor must look Chughtai lab test reports over your infant in detail for confirmation of death and also examine for signs suggesting a reason for death. It is essential to take note of the location of the infant, the kind of crib or bed, the size and placement of bedding and clothing, and the room’s temperature.

Infants that die from SIDS typically have good development and are well-nourish, showing no evidence of illness. There could be a frothy blood-color discharge from the mouth or nose and appear pale and waxy with a blue-blue tinge on the lips.

How is it Diagnose

SIDS is a condition of exclusion. This means it can be identified when all causes of death are eliminate. In most cases, this can be determine after a thorough investigation, autopsy, inspection of the site of death, and a medical history review. In all sudden and unexpected deaths.

Where we cannot identify the reason for the end, the law stipulates that the police attend and inform the coroner. The coroner’s role is to determine the reason for the death. To do this, the coroner must examine the causes of death and could also conduct an autopsy. This will ensure that the cause of death is because of a strange reason, such as SIDS.

Furthermore, the child might require X-ray images and samples (blood, hair, tissue, etc.) collected for testing. Police might also be necessary to inspect the room and crib the baby was sleeping in when they found them dead.


Parents’ support for their children

Through this stressful and depressing moment, myriad other issues have to be resolve. Including the ongoing investigation of funeral arrangements, baptisms, and ending breastfeeding. These issues can be overwhelming and confusing if adequate support is available for parents.

Connecting with a nearby SIDS support group is often beneficial, as they can provide guidance and help to grieving parents. It is equally important to ensure that the remaining siblings receive. The appropriate support for their age since they are bound to be affected by the loss of a sister or brother.

Prevention of SIDS

All babies should be put to bed on their backs every night. Campaigns that advise against prone sleep positions have significantly reduced the likelihood of SIDS.

The use of tobacco products during pregnancy, as well as exposure of infants to tobacco smoke, must be prevent.

Infants must be put to rest on a firm surface.

We must keep soft toys and loose blankets away from the crib.

The infant’s head must be left unattend. If blankets are used for the baby’s feet, they should be place at the foot of the crib with blankets place around the mattress so that they don’t prevent them from over-covering the head of the infant.

Infants should be in a crib within the parent’s room for the first 6 months. Infants shouldn’t share a sofa or bed.

Beware of excessive heat. Babies should not be place close to a radiator, heater, or in direct sunlight.

A pacifier can reduce the risk of SIDS. In the case of breastfeeding infants, limit the use of a pacifier until one month to ensure that it doesn’t disrupt the beginning of breastfeeding.

There isn’t any evidence that supports the importance of home monitoring devices in the prevention of SIDS.

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