Home » The Best Way To Plan Solar Electric Home System: A Beginner’s Guide

The Best Way To Plan Solar Electric Home System: A Beginner’s Guide

by Nathan Zachary

Running an entire household on just solar electricity is impractical – says who? 

The entire Delhi airport runs on electricity generated by hydro and solar. The entire international space station runs on solar power. 

If you choose a solar system for home by first assessing all your requirements, you can power your home easily through solar.

This guide has been specially curated in order to help you plan a solar electric home system without going wrong. To know more click on:  https://www.solarsquare.in/homes

Top 4 things to consider when planning to install a solar system for home

#1. The rooftop space and condition

The very first thing that you need to address when planning to install a solar system for home is to evaluate your roof. There are certain very crucial things that you need to know. Have a look.

  • Even if you want to install a 1 KW solar system for home, you will require 100 square feet of area. 
  • The area where you’re planning to install the solar panels should be shadow-free. 
  • The rooftop has to be either an RCC or a metallic shed. A solar system cannot be installed on top of an asbestos roof.

Once you have this rooftop checklist covered, you can rest assured that installing a solar system for home will reap wonderful monetary benefits.   

#2. Your average monthly power consumption

Next in line is the question of power consumption. Why is this important? Well, unless you know the amount of energy you require to run your household, you won’t be able to figure out what capacity of the solar system will be able to run your household. 

Under ideal conditions (on a bright sunny day), a 1 KW solar system can generate 4 units of electricity per day. This means you can expect approximately 120 units of electricity from a 1 KW solar system per month. 

Now, if you consume 800 units of electricity a month, installing a solar system of less than 6.66 KW isn’t recommended since it won’t be able to cover all your electricity needs. 

So, always keep in mind that the right capacity is the only way out to install an apt solar system for home.

#3. The type of solar module and your budget 

There are two types of solar modules that are quite popular in India for rooftop installations: polycrystalline and monocrystalline. Let’s walk you through the major differences between the two so that you can choose the best one in compliance with all your needs.

Monocrystalline solar panelsPolycrystalline solar panels 
Their efficiency is between 18-19%.They offer an efficiency between 16-17%.
Currently, subsidy is not offered for mono panels.You get a subsidy on these.
They are more expensive than poly panels, but they’re more efficient too.They are cheaper.
They can tackle the issue of shadows to an extent.They might not be ideal for rooftops that have shadow issues.
They can tackle the limited space issue to some extent.They are not ideal for small rooftops.

If you come to look at it, monocrystalline solar panels are the future (not-so-distant). They have an edge over poly panels. 

But, if you live in some place that receives a lot of irradiation, poly panels will also do well as long as the rooftop criteria are met. 

#4. The solar installation company 

Choosing the right solar installer is the safest way forward. When the installation company is empanelled by the discom and offers A-class services, you get more than just a high-quality solar system for home. You also get:

  • Very strong mounting structures that can handle wind speeds as high as 150 kmph
  • Easy financing options such as EMI schemes and quick loan approvals
  • After-installation maintenance services
  • The best quality solar inverters

Tidbits of solar that you need to know before installing a solar system for home

You know how to plan a solar electric system for your home now, but there are a few more things you must know so that you can make an informed decision. Have a look!

  • A solar system for home will produce electricity even during the rainy season because solar panels use sunlight, not heat.
  • You get a subsidy on DCR and ALMM-approved solar panels only if you are an individual homeowner or a housing society. You won’t get it for commercial purposes. 
  • Solar panels with a low temperature coefficient give the best performance. 
  • Solar panels should face the South because India receives maximum sunshine in the South direction.
  • The tilt angle for solar panels should be about 10 degrees in South India.
  • In North India, the tilt angle is more than 20 degrees. 


Planning a solar electric system for home is better left in the hands of expert installation companies. The way in which they can figure out the right capacity of the solar system for home comes through experience. 

So, if you are planning to install a rooftop solar system for home, count on professionals, not DIY videos. 

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