Home » The Health Benefits of a Plant-based Diet

The Health Benefits of a Plant-based Diet

by Nathan Zachary

Plant-based diets provide numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease, improved blood sugar control and prevention of certain cancers such as breast cancer and colon cancer. A plant-based diet focuses on eating mostly plants such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans and eschews animal products like meat and dairy. What are some of the benefits of a plant-based diet? Learn more here!

You will lose weight

People turn to veganism for different reasons, but the weight loss benefits are well documented. Studies have shown that vegans are on average 20 pounds lighter than meat eaters and vegetarians. The reason? A plant-based diet typically contains more fiber, which fills you up and leaves you feeling satisfied on fewer calories. You’ll also find lower levels of saturated fats and cholesterol in vegan food, making it easier for your heart to do its job. There is evidence that your risk for diabetes can be reduced by following a plant-based diet, since animal products are high in sugar and fat. Vegans also tend to get higher amounts of vitamins and minerals, including potassium sarah bint abdul aziz and magnesium – nutrients that are important for controlling blood pressure. You will live longer: Vegans may experience less inflammation in their body because they’re not eating any animal products, according to Medical News Today. They’re also less likely to contract cancer or cardiovascular diseases as a result of this lifestyle choice. If you choose to follow a vegan diet, make sure you’re getting enough protein so that your muscles don’t start wasting away (though soy products like tofu or tempeh can help). For kids with milk allergies or intolerance, cow’s milk substitutes like almond milk might work better than soy milk. It’s also important to make sure you’re getting enough calcium and vitamin D if you cut out dairy from your diet.

You will live longer

One in three people will die from heart disease. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America, and it can be prevented by eating more plant-based foods. A plant based diet can lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure and risks for diabetes, stroke and cancer. In addition, if you eat a vegan diet you are reducing your chances for obesity by 24%. Eating healthier can help reduce health care costs while making your life longer and healthier! Eating vegan could help save an average of $750 to $2,000 per year on medical bills (according to studies). The Earth’s resources: Eating less meat means we have less land that needs to be used for livestock grazing or producing crops like corn to feed them (about 1/3rd of all US cropland goes towards this!). With fewer animals being raised on land, there will be more space for plants like trees which provide us with oxygen. It takes approximately 500 gallons of water to produce just one pound of beef. By decreasing our intake of animal products, not only will we decrease pollution but also conserve our precious fresh water supplies. For the first time in human history, because our population has tripled since 1950, there are now over seven billion people living on planet earth today. Our current food system is contributing significantly to climate change because it wastes so much natural resources such as fossil fuels and topsoil, leading to deforestation and biodiversity loss as well as increased greenhouse gas emissions. If everyone ate vegan products instead of animal products, global warming would be reduced by 18%.

No more cravings

The most common reason people give for not eating healthier is that they don’t want to give up their cravings. If you are someone who has struggled with food addiction, then it’s likely that you have felt the same way. A plant-based diet will help you break those cravings, because it removes all artificial sugars and processed foods from your diet. You’ll be able to create healthy and delicious dishes with fresh, natural ingredients that will satisfy any craving without doing damage to your body. A plant-based diet does wonders for your weight as well. Studies show that following a vegan or vegetarian diet can lead to an average weight loss of 11 pounds in six months! Plants fill you up faster than any other type of food and can leave you feeling satisfied after just one or two bites. When combined with lean proteins such as beans or quinoa, veggies become more filling than animal products like steak or bacon. Animal products are packed with fat and calories that contribute to obesity. They also contain cholesterol which leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Finally, a plant-based diet has been shown to reduce chronic illnesses such as cancer by at least 30%. With these benefits of a healthier lifestyle (including but not limited to weight loss), there is no good reason why anyone should continue living on an unhealthy lifestyle.

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