Home » The transcendent function of music

The transcendent function of music

by Nathan Zachary
The transcendent function of music

The transcendent function is the way in which the psyche brings the conscious and the unconscious into dialogue against individuation and psychological growth. Carl Jung believed that each of us has this function, which strives to evolve and transcend itself. It is an archetypal process that mediates contrasts and uses symbols to move from one position to another, a third way. The function has a healing effect by linking the conscious and the unconscious, which facilitates movement beyond one-sidedness.

As we are all unique in our life expressions,

 So is our process of growth and healing. We use different coping skills at different times to deal with distress and suffering. Whether it’s dealing with unresolved emotions or getting in touch with a rejected side of ourselves, we all need a bridge to step into the dark corners of our shadows. Art, music, yoga, poetry, dance, creative writing and tai chi are methods that calm the mind and allow connection with hidden unconscious material.

Music has been used for years as a powerful tool for the redemption of mind and body

. Our innate ability to use music and sound to facilitate deeper levels of self-awareness and transformation dates back to ancient times and across cultures. Music remains one of the most effective bridges between existing cultures. But above all, can unite us with other living beings and with the planet in general. Music influences and harmonizes with the mystery that lies dormant deep within us. The healing power of music can awaken our holistic patterns and unlock our life potential. Music speaks directly to the subconscious with its unique rhythm, melody, harmony, pitch and repertoire. When it reaches layers of the psyche that have been cut off from the normal state of consciousness, it is associated with deeply buried feelings and emotions.

As one of his students, I had the honor of learning from his vast sea of ​​knowledge.

 Along with my dear friend and co-author of this blog, Brenda Murrow, we recently spoke with Dr. We had the pleasure of interviewing Bishop about his thoughts on music and psychology. The next articles will be devoted to music and its use not only as a personal therapeutic method but also as a tool for collective healing.

During our interview, we asked about the deep and archetypal psychic experience, which is often expressed in the works of great composers, especially Beethoven and Mozart. Dr. Bishop spoke of musicians as “able to develop a form of expression that transcends time and is not thrown into the dustbin of history”. Below is an excerpt from our interview and his answer to this question:

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