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Virtual Versus Physical: The Future of Business Communication

by Nathan Zachary
Virtual Versus Physical: The Future of Business Communication

As technology advances, it significantly impacts our lives and work. The concept of being physically present in an office to ensure productivity now seems outdated. It was once hard to imagine a fully functional work process where team members were scattered across homes and cities. Email and instant messaging gradually made it possible for some office workers to switch to remote work. Later, restrictions introduced during the pandemic demonstrated that remote work could be adopted on a large scale.

Communication and collaboration tools have come to the forefront, with video conferencing becoming one of the most popular online meeting formats. These conferences can be organized through specialized applications or instant messaging services, each offering different conditions. Most services are paid and have limitations on duration and the number of participants.

Over time, people across various sectors have grown accustomed to the convenience of remote communication and often prefer it for its time and resource savings. These technologies have started to influence users’ lifestyles and companies’ work processes, leading to a noticeable trend: a reduction in the number of in-person business events.

According to the majority of experts we consulted, this trend is indeed real.

Vage Zakaryan, Head of Development at Gem Space superapp, comments, “The development of video conferencing services has changed the format of business communication. Even after the pandemic, many new communication formats have remained because they proved to be effective. The number of in-person meetings has indeed decreased. It’s not that the online format has completely replaced them, but whenever time can be saved without compromising the meeting’s content, why not do it? Many note that online meetings tend to be shorter than in-person ones because off-topic discussions are less likely. Video conferences also increase participant engagement, positively affecting the outcome.”

Some businesses have fully transitioned to an online format, including those in design, IT development, and educational programs.

Sherie Rosen, a communications manager for an online Spanish language course, shared how the necessity to go online completely transformed their business concept. “Previously, our mentors and teachers met with students in person, providing them with educational materials and often conducting group sessions face-to-face. Now, all necessary materials are provided electronically, and our curators offer daily support online. This format has proven to be more cost-effective.”

Many companies report primarily positive experiences with the shift to online communication and meetings. This transition does not reduce task efficiency and often saves money by minimizing expenses. Additionally, it allows for meetings with any business partner, client, or employee at any desired time, offering more convenience.

Steve Dale, head of the event agency Sea2See, says that they now meet with clients mostly at the events themselves. “All preparatory work is discussed via video conferences through special apps and messengers, as well as in writing. As this communication format becomes more routine for clients, we spend less time discussing the format itself and more on business matters. I believe that, over time, online communication will significantly prevail over face-to-face meetings.”

While the adoption of new technological capabilities varies, most companies and users are gradually shifting to this convenient format that satisfies everyone.

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