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What distinguishes career development from career growth?

by Nathan Zachary
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The most significant aspect of our life is our careers. the ones with the most influence over how we mould our life. Making a job decision that is not only rewarding but also provides prospects for progress is crucial right now, in these times of fast change.

The terms “advancement,” “career progression,” and “development” are sometimes used interchangeably when discussing these topics. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about in the end? progress. To be clear, these two names are not just different but also have entirely different meanings.

Let me first define what career advancement implies.

Traditionally, career advancement has been linked to up-scaling inside an enterprise. However, modern circumstances call for a revised definition. Growth basically refers to advancement in any career movement, be it horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or other. Growth is easier to understand when compared to a career ladder or lattice.

While job growth typically involves long-term planning for the future. The collection of programmes called “development” are those that are modified to take goals, abilities, and needs into consideration.

To further explain the distinction, professional growth is mostly driven by quantitative outcomes. Growth, then, is when you ascend the corporate ladder or switch organisations to take a position with a similar title.

However, career development is primarily concerned with quality outcomes. It is somewhat similar to improvising skill sets in order to advance in competence. The purpose of development is to upgrade and provide oneself with the necessary abilities.

The majority of career growth is strategic. It concentrates on the list of objectives that must be accomplished. However, progress brings about total change. It is a more thorough procedure and largely concentrates on the way to accomplish those objectives.

While career growth can only occur when a new position is taken, development can happen even when roles and positions remain the same. With every day that goes by, the experience continues to improve you. Growth occurs when you get closer to the career milestones that lie ahead. On the other hand, it is development that is immersive.

Although career development is an integrated process that enables you to develop holistically, career growth is a component of career development. It enables you to hone and update necessary skill sets.

When a company integrates career development activities into daily work life, an employee not only becomes more effective at what he does but also develops a strong personality, which is highly important in today’s society. The outcomes of career development benefit not only the employee or professional but also the organisation.

Do you also interchangeably use these terms? Include job growth in your daily life after learning how they differ noticeably. I believe the information in the aforementioned article should be sufficient.

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