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What’s Holding Back the Financial Service Cloud Industry?

by Nathan Zachary
Financial service cloud industry


Financial service companies are the last bastion of enterprise IT, and not in a good way. It’s been nearly 30 years since financial services firms began using cloud solutions for their day-to-day operations. According to research by Gartner, IT spending by banking and investment services firms is forecast to grow 6.1% in 2022 to $623 billion worldwide. And yet, these companies haven’t gotten much faster at adopting new technology since then. This article will explore some of the reasons why this is so:

The Financial Service Cloud industry is ripe for disruption.

The financial services industry is ripe for disruption. Cloud computing is the next big thing, and it’s a great way to do business.

Cloud computing will change the way we work, how we do business and how we think about our own careers. It’s already starting to change some industries’ core processes: from travel booking software through to healthcare records management systems, cloud computing has already started changing how companies operate—and there’s no sign of it slowing down anytime soon!

Financial services companies are not ready for a true platform.

The financial services industry is one of the most mature, yet it still has a long way to go. As technology continues to evolve and new business models emerge, your company must remain competitive by adapting quickly.

At the moment, many financial service companies are hindered by legacy systems that don’t allow them to scale or innovate fast enough. These challenges are made worse by a lack of interoperability between legacy systems across different departments within an organization—which means you can’t access key data in another department without buying another license or using third-party software.

Firms need to start small.

The most important thing to consider when building your cloud-based financial services system is the pilot project.

A pilot project is simply an initial step in the development of a larger solution, and it can be used for testing purposes or proof-of-concepts. For example, if you’re looking at building an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that will automate many of your company’s processes and processes, it would make sense to start small by creating a simple demo version first before moving on to build out more complex pieces of functionality. This way you’ll be able to test both yourself and other individuals who may work with you on this project so they’re comfortable with what they’re doing as well—and if necessary adjust accordingly based on feedback received from early adopters who fall into one category or another at each stage along the way!

What do Services industry firms need to get IT ready to implement Cloud solutions?

The services industry needs to be ready for the change that the Cloud will bring. This means IT needs to be ready, too.

IT needs to support Cloud solutions and be able to handle the new skills required by employees who currently use on-premise applications or systems.

In this article, we’ll look at why it’s important for your organization as an IT leader—and how you can prepare yourself for an industry-wide shift in how we work with technology

How can the financial services industry reap its rewards sooner? 

The financial services industry needs more education on the benefits of cloud technology.

The first thing that needs to happen is for financial institutions to understand what cloud technology can do for them, and how it differs from traditional on-premise solutions. However, this doesn’t mean that they should blindly accept any solution offered by a vendor. There are many different aspects involved in choosing a solution—from software functionality and scalability (how many users can access your system at once) to security concerns (can you guarantee data privacy?)—and these factors vary from company to company depending on their needs.

Financial institutions should also consider whether or not there are other ways they could achieve their goals without using cloud services at all; this includes things like outsourcing certain tasks or building out internal applications yourself instead of relying solely on third parties such as Salesforce or Microsoft Azure..

The Financial Service Cloud industry has some catching up to do

The financial services industry is ripe for disruption. In fact, it’s one of the most ripe industries in existence due to its highly regulated nature and complex business processes. However, this also means that firms are not ready for true platforms—which can be used to assemble disparate technologies into a cohesive whole.

To start small: Start with basic solutions like compliance reporting or data management while getting IT ready to implement Cloud solutions. These services can help banks gain knowledge about their own operations so they’re better able than ever before at choosing appropriate cloud vendors who understand their needs best.

In order to compete with other cloud providers in this space, First Data must first overcome some major hurdles:

  • The financial services industry has not yet fully embraced cloud technology (as evidenced by its lack of adoption rates). This means that many firms are still using older-generation systems with outdated software that can’t handle what Salesforce is offering on the platform today;
  • There’s also an education gap between IT departments within companies and those outside them—which means many IT staff aren’t familiar with how these new technologies work or how they could benefit their organization;
  • Even if you’re an existing customer who already has experience managing your own data in the cloud via another provider like Microsoft Office 365 or Google Drive/ Drive Vault via Dropbox/Box or GitHub Enterprise Edition etc., there’s no guarantee your company will use them again after switching over because there isn’t much incentive yet outside of cost savings (which are only applicable during contract renewal time periods).


In summary, the financial services industry is ripe for disruption by a cloud platform like Salesforce’s Financial Service Cloud, but the industry needs more education on how it can benefit from this technology. Firms need to start small and get IT ready to implement Cloud solutions before they can truly compete with other industries.

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