Home » Why Should You Invest In Contactless Guest Experience in Your Hotel?

Why Should You Invest In Contactless Guest Experience in Your Hotel?

by Nathan Zachary
contactless payments

Digital transformation is reaching the highest level and is reshaping the operation of the hospitality industry. No wonder they are taking on the latest tech innovations to remold the daily operations and the pattern of customer interaction. The emergence of contactless technology in hotels and resorts has turned into a must-have with superior guest experiences.

Relevance of contactless technology

Wondering why contactless payments are relevant? Well, the global pandemic has hit the world hard. Although the situation has improved recently and travelers have started trickling in, they still look forward to staying safe. This may mean that the technology is likely to impact the check-ins, upgrades, add-ons, and checkouts that aim to reduce contact with the hotel staff. Surveys reveal that the contactless guest experience is slated to feel the customers comfortable. About 26% of customers prefer digital room keys and 35% reveal that they are more likely to choose hotels that follow the no-touch payment.

Benefits for hotel management

The prevalence of secure contactless payments and the technology, on the whole, allow hotel management to stay in control as far as the guest experience is concerned. Apart from the payment systems, digital technology integrated with analytics allow the authorities to manage what is happening across properties without being onsite. Whether it is requesting towels or making a reservation, everything may happen without contacting the ground staff. With this non-intrusive technology, hotels and resorts may generate additional revenue without a speck of hassle, whether it is a late checkout or managing an extended stay deal before the departure.

Automating the process

Contactless technology addresses two of the biggest problems of the hospitality industry – profitability and efficiency. It aims to meet the emerging demands of the new generation of travelers who desire a seamless service from getting reservations to checking in with the least trouble. Naturally, on-demand hospitality from check-in to check-out is all set to improve the guest experience and boost revenue. Here is what the guests may expect: • Immersive and comfortable experience for the hotel guests • No need for multiple calls to book reservations or wait in a queue after returning from a prolonged day trip • The check-in and check-out features are professional and convenient • Request for on-demand services without physical contact. A study reveals that over 30% of consumers used NFC payments during the pandemic and since then there has been no looking back. While they are essential for the hospitality industry to maintain health and safety regulations, they make payments quicker than before. Several guests are familiar with using digital wallets and have an app on their smartphones.

Benefits of contactless payments in hotels

The hospitality industry has adapted to technology innovation in recent times when compared to previous decades. Naturally, hoteliers are investing in this technology rapidly to attract more guests and compete with other hotels and resorts to give a memorable experience to the guests. Here is why touchless payment is the key to success in hotels and resorts.

  • Aid in daily operations
  • The touchless technology helps in improving daily operations and the repetitive tasks are borne by the staff. Consider the guests receiving the services at the touch of a button or making hotel reservations without accessing the ground staff. Overall, technology improves grunt work and makes the hotel staff smarter when handling the request of the guests. Now, they get more time to create human connections with the guests, making them return for successive trips.

  • Real-time insights
  • One of the most significant benefits of technology implementation is the analysis of results. Hotels have multiple departments and work shifts working together, often hiding the scenes when real-time analytics come to help. Applying the analytical tools to the data obtained from contactless technology reveals the expectations of guests better. Furthermore, analytics results in proactive work. For instance, a series of demands around the dining area may help you understand that more staff needs to be deployed to help the customers.

  • Streamlining interactions
  • Several guests today prefer controlling their travel experience without being intimated by others. Contactless technology helps the guests reach out to the hotel authorities without going into complex interaction just like the thrift store point of sale wherein customers can forego the long waiting times and complete the checkout process pretty fast. Elevating the guest experience stays at the center of the hospitality industry. The request today is routed to reach the correct department easily.

    Are you planning to introduce contactless technology to fulfill the requirements of the hospitality industry? A professional software development vendor can create what you need to navigate through the odds in the hospitality industry. Retail Control Systems offers incredibly convenient contactless payment technology, saving your business time and money.

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