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WordPress App Builder | Convert WordPress To Mobile App

by Nathan Zachary
wordpress to mobile app

Many well-known websites go above and above by developing specialized apps for their users. A website app can offer a more engaging user experience than standard mobile websites by keeping you in touch with users through device alerts. The challenge is initially figuring out how to turn WordPress site into app.

The solution is found in the tens of thousands of available plugins because we’re utilizing WordPress, which can assist in transformation. It’s considerably simpler than you would think to turn a website into an app with the appropriate plugin.

An Introduction To Website Apps

The phrase “website app” is frequently used to describe a very basic kind of application. Apps for websites typically behave fairly similarly to conventional mobile pages. The distinction is that because we’re talking about a full-fledged app, you have access to things that standard websites frequently do not, such as built-in notifications (although it is now easy to add those!).

News websites and other projects with a lot of content are especially fond of website apps. There are apps available for the Financial Times, Forbes, Reuters, BBC News, and many more publications, for example:

You might be wondering why you would bother learning how to turn a website into an app just so customers could view your content. It’s a nice question, and there are three options:

  1. Instead of opening a new browser tab, app users are more likely to stay put and consume more content.
  2. You may access features like push notifications and recurring subscriptions through WordPress to mobile apps.
  3. Having an app for your website is really awesome!

Of course, developing an app takes more than a single day. Mobile applications can be quite expensive and sophisticated. However, WordPress plugins can help in this situation.

3 Plugins are available that allow website-to-app transformation

We’ll introduce you to three of our favorite plugins for creating straightforward WordPress to mobile apps in this section. Although these plugins are excellent, keep in mind that they can only assist you in creating programs that are really straightforward. If you want to build anything with intricate functionality, you should consult a specialist and develop it just like you would any other piece of technology.

1. AppPresser

You can use a custom builder provided by AppPresser to create WordPress to mobile apps for iOS and Android. It enables you to link your WordPress website and the apps you create with AppPresser.

This service in particular is appealing to us because of how much the app builder resembles the WordPress Customizer. So, if you’ve ever used the latter to develop a page or two, picking up AppPresser won’t be difficult. The service itself isn’t free, despite the fact that the plugin is. The cheapest option for one app costs $19 per month.

Given its price, we can only advise using AppPresser if your website already has a sizable audience. If so, feel free to look into how it operates!

3. Androapp

The two plugins we’ve discussed thus far are linked to expensive services. In contrast, Androapp employs a freemium business model. You may use this plugin to turn your WordPress website into an iOS and Android app. It was created with straightforward “news reader” apps in mind, so if that fits your needs, it could be a fantastic option.

Moving on to the pricing, Androapp provides a free trial that lasts for a month. After that, you have the option of paying an annual fee for each app you’ve made. You are able to continue using an ad-supported version of Androapp if the price is exorbitant. If you’re on a tight budget, it’s a good approach to turn a website into an app despite the trade-off.

2. MobiLoud

In terms of their operating model, MobiLoud and AppPresser are rather comparable. They provide a service that enables you to create mobile apps even if you have no prior experience with coding. The app can then be linked to WordPress using a plugin so that it can access the data on your website.

But in this case, MobiLoud offers you a variety of app “presets” that you may choose from based on the features and User Experience (UX) you wish to offer. This extra functionality does have a price, though. Without a strategy in place to monetize your mobile app, we can’t suggest MobiLoud because its most affordable package starts at $399 per month. Anyhow, MobiLoud provides a free trial so that you may check it out before signing up for the service.


It can be scary to consider building a mobile app from scratch. However, there are several tools available to you that can make WordPress website to app quite straightforward for you to assemble small apps. Thanks to plugins, the process is made considerably easier if you utilize WordPress.

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