Home » 14 Arguments in Favor of Changing Your Ecommerce Platform

14 Arguments in Favor of Changing Your Ecommerce Platform

by Nathan Zachary
performance management software

Starting a transfer of your community platform might be a challenging yet exciting move for your company. However, it’s crucial that you handle it properly to prevent any disruptions for this SaaS platform’s consumers. It is advised that companies looking to transition from one community technology system to another work with a firm that can help them take advantage of all the new features, such as artificial intelligence in social technologies, which can make it much simpler for brands to manage customer satisfaction and keep up with customer relations.

You can begin creating a thorough plan to direct the migration process after you have the migration strategy in hand.

Following are 12 reasons to switch from your present e-commerce platform:

Does it use the cloud?
Shopify uses a cloud-based operating system, unlike the majority of open source shopping carts. Thus, server architecture, functionality, and website security are not concerns for online retailers. On Shopify’s servers, the online store is housed. For those new to eCommerce, it is made simple and comfortable by this.

Effortless Use?
The days of studying an platform are long gone. For the setup of their stores, Shopify requires no coding knowledge, therefore even amateurs can accomplish it.

Exists a reporting function?
To make critical decisions, business owners need data, but it’s critical that the data be meaningful. Rich analysis and comprehensive reporting tools contribute to giving managers the information they need to make good business decisions.

Did you know that Shopify has an analytics dashboard, as do all new SaaS platforms? Check to see whether Google Analytics can be connected into your platform if you’re using an older one. If not, switching to the more recent platform is advised.

Exists a built-in testing feature?
A frustrating, perplexing, or disappointing purchasing experience will likely anger your customers, which is something you don’t want to happen. You require a website that is built on an e-commerce platform and has an exclusive testing framework integrated into its design so that you can find flaws before any of your paying customers can let you know about them. It’s essential to providing your end consumers with the high-quality experience they require.

Is it compatible with third-party extensions?
Companies successfully use developers to continuously enhance their compatibility with third-party extensions. Business owners use these extensions to better manage their stores so that they are relieved of the responsibility of overseeing every aspect of their establishment. This improves the shopping experience for customers by making it easier for them to find what they’re looking for and gives them confidence that they are paying a fair price.

In order to aid you in building your brand, Shopify offers you a variety of sales channels.

Is it quick?
Google the significance of quicker website loads. Internet users have limited attention spans, and those who are currently shopping will be diverted by a variety of factors competing for their attention on any given website, such as pop-up ads and automatically playing videos, so it’s essential that your eCommerce site loads quicker than those of your rivals in order to keep them interested.

Utilize Google PageSpeed Insights to check the loading speed of your website. Consider talking to an Expert if you need assistance with website speed.

We are experts in Shopify.

Did you know that the average wait time for a page to load on a mobile eCommerce website is three seconds? According to the most recent Google research, your website must load within these 3 seconds or risk losing 53% of your visitors.

Does it scale?
How scalable is the platform you now use? When e-commerce businesses start to see year over year sales growth, sometimes even needing the addition of new products to satisfy customers, this is a crucial point to keep in mind. If this is the case, it will be important to consider how scalable your platform is; otherwise, your website may not operate as intended.

Are you familiar with the back end?
Nobody wants to waste time and energy trying to grasp the dashboard. Business owners desire a dashboard that is very simple to use and understand. Every new platform version includes a feature-rich, mobile-responsive, and readily customisable dashboard that makes it simple for store owners and their employees to manage their businesses.

Shopify Dashboards are designed with no coding knowledge in mind so that the owner may make any adjustments without consulting a professional.

Is the checkout procedure accommodating?
The number of customers who add things to their shopping carts but do not complete the checkout process is the top issue for eCommerce owners and enterprises. Many of the most recent eCommerce platforms include features like guest checkout (no registration necessary), order summary displays, third-party payment, and shipping interfaces that produce a simpler, streamlined, and speedier checkout process in an effort to reduce this issue. The customer conversion rate increases as a result.

Did you know that Shopify has a payment option of its own, called Shop Pay?

Is security strict?
Customers will rather make purchases from a business that is committed to protect both their personal information and payment information. A management of an e-commerce website must be informed of the most recent dangers and vulnerabilities as they are found and must update their systems accordingly. Since you can never predict when an e-commerce platform will issue a new patch or update, it’s a good idea to keep your site updated with the most recent version and ensure that you are secure from any threats until further upgrades are made available.

Is the shopfront fashionable?
Any entrepreneur understands that being distinctive and individual is one of the finest strategies to compete with other businesses in one’s field. This could entail having a storefront, product line, machinery, or some other engaging characteristic that customers would appreciate. The platform that they use, Shopify, seems to always stay up to date with trends, so individuals who utilise it may anticipate new eCommerce design features and styles to come out on a regular basis.

Did you know that Shopify offers more than 1400 paid and free themes for you to utilise and personalise your store?

How long is it up?
Uptime is fundamentally a metric that businesses of all sizes use to gauge the overall dependability of a system. The time that services are available online divided by the total active availability is the best way to define it. Online stores, the payment process, Shopify POS, Shop Pay, Shopify Payments, and Shopify itself are all included in this.

Did you know that the uptime for the Shopify platform is 99.99%?

Features for retaining customers?
A number of Customer Retention tools, such as Abandoned Cart recovery, are included with Shopify. In case the consumer accidentally navigates away from the checkout page, this lets them know that the purchase has not yet been completed.

How is the support staff doing?
Businesses gradually refocus their customer service efforts on the users of the new platforms. After the migration timeframe has passed, you won’t be able to use their support services for outdated platforms. Choose a platform that will always offer you support services, therefore. Consider updating or migrating if you’re on an outdated platform without support.

Shopify offers help through Live Chat, Email, Call, and Community, did you know that?

There are a vast number of eCommerce platforms on the market today. Each one is constantly undergoing upgrades in order to meet customer expectations and improve usage. One can either stay with their current platform or migrate to another depending upon which one proves to be the most efficient for addressing business goals by taking into account business needs, preferences, and limitations such as budget constraints or industry-specific requirements.

If you’re looking towards a migration or for any further queries on eCommerce, feel free to connect with us. We are a Shopify Plus partner.

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