Home » 4 Ways That Small Business Can Drive Success with Digital Transformation

4 Ways That Small Business Can Drive Success with Digital Transformation

by Nathan Zachary
With the future of business becoming evermore intertwined with technology, small businesses around the world are looking to become more successful through digital transformation.

With the future of business becoming evermore intertwined with technology, small businesses around the world are looking to become more successful through digital transformation.

Businesses are increasingly leveraging technology in order to deliver a better service and experience to their customers; and also to improve their own internal operations – perhaps by becoming more cost efficient, more productive, or more adaptable. We spoke with TechQuarters, a London-based IT provider that has been working with small businesses for over 12 years. The small business IT support London-based companies receive from TechQuarters is very much geared towards modernization – as such, they know a lot about digital transformation.

What is Digital Transformation?

In the simplest terms, digital transformation is when a business uses digital technologies to optimize their existing business processes, and also to create new processes that will generate value. It is closely tied with modern IT solutions like cloud computing, mobile device technology and (of course) the internet. The fundamental goal of digital transformation is for businesses to completely reimagine the way that they do business in the era of digital business. According to TechQuarters, , who are an IT Support Company London businesses love working with, there are a number of ways in which digital transformation can help small businesses achieve greater success…

It Boosts Collaboration

As we have mentioned already, one of the main aspects of digital transformation is adding value to a business by improving operations. One of the fundamental business processes that digital transformation can help improve is collaboration. Digital transformation requires singular vision in the company culture – everyone needs to be on the same page and working together efficiently. Digital solutions like cloud computing and storage, remote communications (such as instant messaging, videoconferencing and internet telephony), and project and task management programs are all commonplace in a digitally transformed business – these solutions, along with a transformation of company culture, can help small businesses optimize and push collaboration to greater heights.

It Can Improve Accuracy

Digital transformation can also add value to an organisation by improving the accuracy of their work. When businesses leverage cloud computing and various interconnected digital systems, they have a lot more data to work with – many different data sources which can be cross-referenced and analysed to draw insights. Furthermore, solutions like automation are very commonplace in digitally transformed businesses. According to TechQuarters – whose experience providing IT support Guildford businesses rely on has led them to exploring automation extensively – it can be used to ensure that certain tasks and processes – typically ones that are repetitive, or low value in terms of time, but which need to be executed correctly – are completed consistently, and with total accuracy.

It Allows for Better Business Decisions

As the name attests, digital transformation is all about leveraging digital solutions, platforms, and data. As discussed in the previous point, these can all help a business improve their accuracy. I particular, digital transformation improves the accuracy of business decision making. As touched upon earlier, business get access to greater volumes of data – and from more diverse sources, too. All that data gives businesses insights into many different factors that are relevant to their organisation. If they can analyse that data, businesses have much more context when they are making important decisions. For example, collected customer-related data and market-related data can help businesses optimize their marketing, and even explore new opportunities for products and services.

Businesses Can Exceed Customer Expectations

The key to business success is in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. A business needs to be able to identify what customers want, and what they need. Of course, what customers want and need is frequently changing due to trends in society and changes in markets. However, as we have already discussed, digital transformation can make a business more agile and more accurate in anticipating things – meaning they can easily pivot to meet the changing needs and wants of their customer base. In this way, a digitally transformed small business will be much better at meeting – and exceeding – the expectations of their customers.

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