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5 Things Pediatrician Want Parents to Know

by Nathan Zachary
children's doctor in Boaz

Parents are always looking for the best methods to keep their children healthy and germ-free, but what is the greatest way? We talked to actual children’s doctor in Boaz and parents to find easy fixes that will keep your kids healthy.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

Wash your Hands Properly

The greatest approach to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases among family members, according to primary care doctor Jack Maypole, MD, who is also the director of the Comprehensive Care Program at Boston Medical Center and a member of the Educational Advisory Board for The Goddard School. However, a fast rinse under the faucet is insufficient. To make sure they are very clean, he suggests that parents encourage children to wash their hands for as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday.”

Clean your Screens

The majority of us take care to keep the kitchen and bathroom spotless, yet some of the worst germ hotspots are practically right at our fingers! Dr. O’Connor advises routine cleaning of “everything you touch a lot, including mobile phones, iPads, and other handheld gadgets.”


When it comes to treating colds, plain old H2O can be of considerable assistance. In order to get youngsters to stay in the warm water longer, consider adding interesting objects like suction toys and shaving cream to the tub. The steam from a shower can help free up congested nasal passages and release mucus. Additionally, it’s essential to consume a lot of liquids to prevent dehydration. The correct proportion of carbohydrates is used in the formulation of oral electrolyte solutions like Enfamil® Enfalyte® to improve fluid and electrolyte absorption and rapidly restore hydration.

Wage War Against the Cold

“Healthy diet, exercise, and a good night’s sleep continue to be the best medicine’ to strengthen the immune system throughout cough and cold season,” says Sue Hubbard, MD, a pediatrician at Inwood Village Pediatrics in Dallas and the lead medical editor for the publication The Kid’s Doctor. She suggests a few natural things that might help relieve the symptoms of a cold in your child.

Saline spray or drops can help clear mucus and hydrate dry, irritated nasal passages when you have the sniffles or a stuffy nose. Children 12 months of age and older can use honey as a cough remedy; you can either try a natural cough syrup that incorporates honey or just add honey into hot water or tea.

Consider Staying Home 

Many kids may experience recurrent upper respiratory infections throughout the winter, which is irritating but not hazardous, according to Dr. Maypole. If your kid has more serious symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, remaining home is the best choice. However, If your child has a runny nose or cough, but is otherwise fine, it may be okay to send him to school.

Valley Pediatrics

Parenting in the digital era might be challenging, but it is not impossible. If you are worried about your child’s health and need supportive advice that is both realistic and sympathetic, get in touch with Valley Pediatrics.

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