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Bad Grammar or Broken HTML: Which Does Google Care About More?

by Nathan Zachary

Some of the other crucial factors of achieving high results for valuable keywords are neglected in the modern SEO world in favor of keeping up with Google’s newest algorithm upgrades, whether they be named Penguin, Panda, or after some other fuzzy animal(!). Whether or whether using correct grammar affects your Google results is one of these aspects that deserves more research. Given that most SEO Newcastle is caught up in the “rat race” of accumulating an ever-increasing number of links, it would be nice if an edge could be achieved by creating more grammatically accurate content than your competitors. The solution to this crucial SEO question is provided here, along with a plan for efficiently addressing its implications for content development.

Correct Grammar Increases Your PageRank!

Good grammar and spelling appear to relate to PageRank, at the very least, according to Google (Source). Every few months, Google revises its use of a link analysis algorithm called PageRank, which is name after one of the company’s founders (Larry Website) and aids in determining the relative “weight” given to each page on the Internet. Your chances of ranking highly for competitive specialty keywords increase directly proportional to the PageRank of your main domain and individual pages. Suppose Google’s research shows that high-quality writing positively affects a site’s PageRank. In that case, it stands to reason that you should put in extra effort to ensure your site’s content is well-written and free of spelling and grammar mistakes.

Due To Google’s Focus On The User Experience, Using Proper Grammar Is Essential

Google is well aware that it must provide the best user experience possible to make people want to use it above all others, to compete in the current search engine “wars,” in which it competes with Yahoo and MSN, and other smaller search engines to capture as large a percentage share of worldwide monthly searches as possible.

Google is fundamentally and financially 100% dedicated to producing a fantastic user experience because of the income generated by its AdWords platform, which depends on hundreds of millions of users utilizing its search engine. Using appropriate language, syntax, spelling, and punctuation is good if you want your site visitors to have a positive experience. Poorly written content, full of spelling and grammar mistakes, will turn off readers and cause them to spend less time on your site. One could conclude that proper grammar and spelling are crucial to the performance of your website in search engines. It’s common knowledge that Google tracks users’ dwell time and will start paying more attention to social signals in 2013. Avoid having your overall content let down by poor spelling and grammar to lower ‘Bounce Rates’ and enhance the likelihood of your material being shared (thus providing positive social signals to Google).

For SEO Purposes, Proper Grammar Usage Is A Must

Although Matt Cutts, Google’s chief spokesperson for search engine optimization (SEO), has stated that the search engine does not receive “direct signals” from the text that has been proofread for errors in spelling and grammar, he has also acknowledged a correlation between the two factors.

On the other hand, because Google’s algorithm is constantly updating, it’s possible that this won’t always be the case. It is possible that correct spelling and grammar may take into consideration by Google as its technology and capacity to “read” the actual text on a page continues to improve, which will result in a reduction in the absolute value of links alone. Checking anything twice for errors in syntax and spelling before publishing it is the only surefire way to protect yourself against the possibility of an algorithm update. Focusing on topics that are interesting to people worldwide is the best way to ensure that your content strategy is “evergreen,” which means that it will continue to attract the same amount of visitors well into the foreseeable future.

Important Websites Won’t Link To Content With Spelling And Grammar Mistakes

Following Google’s rise to prominence, links have become the most prized possession on the World Wide Web. The number and quality of links pointing to a website or a page on the Internet mainly determine its value on the Internet. Despite the constant stream of new and improved algorithms, it appears this will remain the case for some time.

You might be wondering what, if anything, the use of links has to do with correct language and spelling. Well, the simple fact is that if you do not use grammar in the manner, it is intend to be use, most of the top websites on the Internet will not link to your articles, no matter how helpful or instructive the intrinsic material itself may be.

It would help if you employed the appropriate grammar, spelling, and other critical characteristics of the English language that they anticipate since these top websites have the highest PageRank and will, thus, pass on the maximum quantity of ultra-valuable “Link Juice” to your pages.

For argument, let’s say that you publish a particularly insightful essay on your specialized blog that catches the eye of prominent online publications like “The Huffington Post” and “The Guardian.” But what if they considered it linked to you but ultimately decided against it because of your bad grammar, spelling, and general use of language? Of course, that would be a terrible injustice to your blog and content, not your brand. Also, you would be passing up opportunities to gain backlinks that, in time, could catapult you up search engine results pages for your target keywords. It sounds like a good argument for taking the extra few seconds to check your grammar and spelling. Your thoughts?


Google seems to think that high-quality grammar contributes to a site’s popularity. You are probably aware that a website’s PageRank does not fluctuate daily, but it does over several months. By employing a straightforward link analysis technique, dubbed “Larry Page’s Algorithm” after the Google co-founder (Larry Page). This method can therefore be use to determine the relative importance of each page. A simple explanation is that if your primary domain has a high PageRank, you will have a better chance of becoming the industry leader. Google’s algorithm has discovered it can rate the connection between grammar and PageRank.

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