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The Charmed show has been around for a while. It first aired in 1998 and ran until 2006. The reboot of Charmed premiered on October 14th, 2018. Both shows have the same premise but differ in many ways. Here is an outline of the notable facts between the original series and the reboot.
Number of Siblings
The original series had three sisters who acted as witches. The reboot begins with two sisters, but the producer introduces Mantock as the third sibling. Mantock discovers that she has two siblings and that her father lied about her mother’s death. She sees a picture of her mother’s home and recognizes it from one of the pictures she had of her mom. The character finds her siblings, thus completing the narrative to match the original series plot.
The original Charmed started with three sisters who discovered that they were destined as witches. The show’s runner, Brad Kern, introduced the fourth sibling after killing Doherty’s character. The new sister is given up for adoption and finds the two siblings later in life, creating a trio. The idea creates a unity between the two narratives whereby the third sibling seems to join the rest after the show premier.
Mother Is Alive
In the reboot, the series starts with the mother of the three siblings alive. However, this only happens during the first few minutes of the episode because something kills their mother. The narrative creates a similarity between their life and the lives of the three sisters in the original series. The Halliwell sisters were raised by their grandmother because their mother died while they were young. Both narratives also have an absent father.
Different Powers
At the beginning of the original series, the three sisters had similar powers. However, as the episode progressed, some added more powers that the others did not have. For instance, Paige obtained the ability to orb and a telekinesis-altered version. The reboot show features two siblings with similar powers to those of the original series. However, the youngest sister doesn’t have such powers but only reads people’s minds.
Character Diversity
The reboot focuses on siblings in college, where one is starting a career in science. The original series features sisters in their late twenties and early thirties. The age difference creates a slight difference in the plot. For instance, in the original series, age creates the theme of family, marriage, and relationships. In the reboot, age creates the idea of education and career. These differences might not be huge, but they can affect the fan’s perception of the shows.
The original series featured white actresses and didn’t seem to embrace the concept of diversity. This is not the case for the reboot because it features black and Latin lead actresses. The concept played an important role in increasing the show’s ratings.
The reboot and original series are both good shows. They have their merits and demerits but still manage to capture the hearts of many fans. Overall, the reboot and the original series are essentially similar. However, they have some differences that can affect each show’s ratings.