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Chatbot Development vs. Conversational AI: What’s the Difference?

by Nathan Zachary
chatbot solution providers

Artificial intelligence plays a major role in determining the kind of customer service that brands provide to their diligent customers. It speaks about how well the customers are handled and assisted in the process. As a result of that, brands are trying to integrate chatbots and conversational AI technologies constantly into serving customers with the help of leading chatbot solution providers. Going around, you will find a lot of confusion regarding chatbot development and conversational AI taking up a huge space in terms of serving customers. Though the terms are quite understandable, there are a lot of differences to be interpreted. The terms “chatbot” and “conversational artificial intelligence” are very frequently used, but there are some key differences between the two terms, which you will find out in this post.

What are chatbots?

Chatbots are completely rule-based kinds of software systems that are designed in such a way that they automate common human interactions with them. They are only used for the purpose of making interactions more human-like and customized in the best way. This actually means that, with the help of a chatbot, humans are able to get answers and reactions to instructions and predefined questions. Therefore, the answers are already determined and there is very limited room for any kind of conversation course. Chatbots are processed in such a manner that they only offer fixed answers to the questions rather than having a real conversation with human beings. It is one of the best and most suitable options when it comes to questions related to facts and answers where the answers will be already predefined. 

What are conversational artificial intelligence technologies?

Conversational artificial intelligence technologies are developed in the form of chatbots and much more is behind them. Since it is conversational, with the help of artificial intelligence, the communication becomes much more real, giving the best customer experience. You will find a new standard when it comes to serving the customers in such a manner that it looks like a real human conversation. This provides better knowledge and gives access to information and clears all doubts for the customer without being limited to limited information only. 

The difference between chatbots and conversational AI

Conversational AI offers better information than simple chatbots

When it comes to serving the customers with all the queries and answers that they are looking for, it goes beyond limited data and information. Simple chatbots can only provide a well-defined one-line question-and-answer process. There are a few facts and questions which can be answered by the simple chatbots over the customer service process. However, with conversational artificial intelligence technologies, customers can ask any kind of question and the chatbots will be able to serve them human-like. The answers will be crafted and customized completely based on the personal challenges that the customers face while going through the brand shopping or interaction experience. This connects the brand and the customers in a better way since they are able to gain complete information in real-time.

Conversational AI brings real added value

Conversational artificial intelligence adds more value to the customer service opportunity that is given to brands. It is a further development of simple chatbots, which allows the conversation to be more customized, useful, and authentic. It actually makes the conversation more unique and trustworthy since it keeps the feel of talking to a real human representative or expert. There’s no doubt that brands can offer perfect customer service and support based on secured information that can be relied upon. However, for the simple chatbots, the process will be a little difficult since they are only able to answer based on predefined information. This does not give the sense of value and integrity to the customers that conversational artificial intelligence chatbots will be giving. Humans will always rely on information and data that can be customized and useful according to their queries. To make customer support and assistance more authentic and genuine, brands need to integrate conversational artificial intelligence strike words into their customer support and service criteria.

Conversational artificial intelligence technologies are much better in terms of making your customer support more friendly and transparent. They are much better than simple chatbots. Get in touch with Q3 Technology, a leading chatbot development company India today to make sure you integrate conversational AI into your service process.

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