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Check these 6 Skill Sets Before Hiring Android Developers!

by Nathan Zachary

An excellent method to strengthen your brand and increase revenue is developing an Android app for your company.

Having your mobile app helps you seem much more professional since many big businesses already provide them for their clients to utilize. A mobile app may be used to communicate with your customers and to give those discounts and other unique offerings. You may develop applications that show your users how to do tasks or resolve issues.

Depending on your company, your app may allow users to make bookings or get in touch with your customer support department for assistance. In any case, you need to be sure and hire an android developers in india qualified to do the task successfully the first time. If you don’t verify that your developer has these abilities, you risk squandering your money on an app that won’t satisfy your demands in the long term. You want to make sure your Android developer is skilled in the following areas even though they should possess a wide range of skills:

  • Use Android developers for hire
  • Java
  • SQL
  • Coding in XML
  • Android SKD
  • Coding Standards

You get some insight into the candidate’s abilities via this method. Additionally, request a list of references and examples of prior work.

  1. Want to Know More: Use Android developers for hire

As a result of the constant stream of upgrades, Android developer standards are constantly changing. An Android developer should have the adaptability to pick up new skills and accept modifications.

Therefore, you should determine whether or if an Android developer is eager to learn about recent changes and tweets before hiring him.

  1. Java

One of the most popular coding languages used in Android development is Java. If the developer you hire has Java expertise and training, you can trust the project’s success more. Some developers make applications without employing this coding language, and many of them do so with great success.

But you can only afford to gamble with your project when your company and bottom line are on the line.

An experienced Java developer can provide your programme with far more functionality and build the unique features you need to succeed. Whether you are thinking about hiring an Android programmer, find out if Java is their primary coding language and how much expertise they have with it. To get a sense of where they stand, ask for samples or sample programmes they have written. Someone with the necessary Java skills can build practical mobile applications that function correctly and expand your company.

  1. SQL

Another crucial coding language for developing Android apps is SQL. Without SQL, you won’t succeed in building a booking application, game, or anything else.

SQL is a computer language that enables your programme to store and access a database that is housed on a server, to put it simply. Let’s say you own a restaurant and offer your clients a downloadable mobile app. Your clients may use this app to get discounts and rewards points for each meal they purchase from you. This app requires a means to save and retrieve each customer’s information as they use the app in order for it to function correctly. In order to do so and enable your clients to access the incentives they accrue, a talented programmer constructs a SQL database.

  1. Coding in XML

Once you have a few Android developers in mind, confirm that they are XML-capable programmers. In some aspects, this language is comparable to SQL; in some ways, it isn’t. Both languages are utilized to store and retrieve data from a single database. When keeping information with several layers, such as usernames and access levels, you use XML.

When using a structured system that enhances the incentives your clients get depending on the volume of purchases they have made in the past, XML might be helpful. Your app may use XML to transmit customer information throughout your network to enable consumers to redeem their reward points regardless of the place they visit. Inquire prospective programmers how often they use XML and if they consider themselves knowledgeable in this field. No matter how straightforward or intricate you believe your project to be, your developer must know how to use XML if you want the most remarkable outcomes.  

  1. SKD Android

The Android Software Development Kit (Android SKD) enables programmers to design, test, and debug mobile apps before releasing them to the Android market. If you want an app that achieves your objectives and advances your company, be sure your programmer is proficient in this language Developers may utilize the lessons and sample codes in this developer kit to construct far more complicated apps. Android SKD provides an emulator that enables your developer to execute the software before putting it on an Android device, in addition to the other capabilities mentioned in this section. Running software on an emulator makes it easy to identify and fix issues immediately.

  1. Coding Standards and Style

Checking their code standards and style is crucial to hire Android developers. Having a consistent coding style is critical to ensure the code is understandable and maintained. Other developers will find it simpler to grasp the code and make modifications as needed.


A terrific method to expand your company and raise your earnings to new levels is hiring on-demand developers. A mobile app gives you a professional appearance and encourages your customers to believe in you.

Additionally, you provide your customers a method to remain in contact with you and access special offers and discounts that enable them to save money on products they currently purchase from you. When hiring an Android developer, you should have the necessary abilities before you start the hiring process. A skilled and knowledgeable coder completes the tasks swiftly and provides an app that functions flawlessly. You will have a terrific Android app for your company sooner than ever imagined if you put the advice from this article to work.

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