Home » Digital Marketing Training In Dubai With Nlptech Experts

Digital Marketing Training In Dubai With Nlptech Experts

by Nathan Zachary
digital marketing training in Dubai

This practical digital marketing course covers the basics of digital marketing and shows you how to integrate and engage customers and increase revenue. Suitable for a range of positions and levels of marketing and business experience, it will help you understand how to maximize the return on your online marketing strategy and investment. You will also gain insight into how digital marketing is viewed from a customer and organizational perspective.

The course will give you valuable insights into

Digital marketing strategy and planning

Digital display advertising and repeat marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) basics and applications

Pay Per Click Advertising

SoMoLo mobile, web, and app marketing

Website analytics

Digital marketing courses are delivered through interactive and collaborative learning, combining lectures, seminars, discussions, and case studies. The course experts are digital marketing training in Dubai professionals with hands-on experience in the day-to-day creation and implementation of online marketing campaigns. In this course, you will benefit from real-life examples and case studies based on global and regional online marketing practices.

By the end of this training, you will understand the different channels and activities required to design, implement and manage a comprehensive digital marketing plan for your business.

Who is the course aimed at?

This course is suitable for people from all different professions and with all types of marketing and business experience. This course is aimed at those responsible for developing and implementing an organization’s online marketing strategy, including

Senior managers

Marketing and business development managers

Marketing and business development managers

Media managers

IT managers

Anyone who wants a career in digital marketing

Advantages of taking the course

Integrate digital marketing as a key element of your marketing strategy and business objectives.

Attract new traffic to your website and improve online conversion rates.

Create and manage online advertising and marketing campaigns.

Develop effective PPC and targeted mobile marketing campaigns.

Measure and analyze website traffic and optimize customer retention.

Digital marketing brand owners can manage online advertising and marketing campaigns, integrating digital marketing into a key element of their marketing strategy and business objectives. They can also attract new visitors to the website and improve conversion rates, as well as analyze the number of website visitors to optimize customer retention.


PPC, SEO, mobile marketing, mobile strategy, contactless marketing, budget management, and research tool development.

Eligibility Requirements

Attendance and participation in a five-day training program under the guidance of a named training expert, with an absence of no more than two hours.

Successful completion of the course evaluation.

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