Home » How to Get Started with Content Repurposing and Why It’s a Great Strategy

How to Get Started with Content Repurposing and Why It’s a Great Strategy

by Nathan Zachary
Content Repurposing

Content is king is one of the first lessons you are taught in digital marketing. We can benefit from search engine optimization by devoting time and resources to creating high-quality content (SEO).

But do you just let an original piece of content sit in the back and be forgotten after it has served its purpose? No! Repurposing already published content is advised by experts in order to achieve the best results with the fewest resources.

So what is the purpose of repurposing content? Well, for starters, you are consistently releasing new content without investing more money in your content strategy than is necessary. You can use the same content optimization strategies to create new content and keep your audience interested once more if you already have a sizable library of old content that has proven successful for you in the past.

What is content repurposing, you might be asking yourself right now? That is merely recycling content, right? How does publishing content that has been repurposed help your content marketing strategy? What benefits does your content marketing strategy provide? And what does Google think about all of these, for that matter?

To address these concerns and assist you with your content optimization strategy, we wrote this guide on content repurposing. Continue reading for some repurposing examples from our content repurposing guide.

Fundamentals of SEO: Does Google Prefer Original Content?

As part of its dedication to improving user experience, Google continually emphasizes the significance of publishing high-quality original content (UX). After it introduced a significant core algorithm update in 2019 that favored original content, this emphasis on quality became clear.

That definition, however, emphasizes the need for content to present original information as opposed to being “new” but repetitive. Therefore, how Google defines original content might not be the same as how we do.

Yoast says that original content doesn’t have to be brand-new, even though it’s still a good idea. Using this rule, your content can still be considered original even if you use an old idea in a new way. The key is to stay away from publishing duplicate content and rehashing the same idea.

After defining original content, let’s return to the topic of repurposing your content.

Why Would You Repurpose Content?

Both recycling and repurposing content is essentially the same. In order to add value and make an old piece of content relevant once more, you basically use content optimization techniques. However, the issue goes beyond simply republishing an old article to obtain a more recent publication date.

According to Brandon George, director of content at Visionary, “repurposing marketing content should focus on taking an existing piece of content and making it better so that it’s better optimized and more targeted for your audience.”

An existing blog post can be used in a variety of ways. Making it into a white paper, a lead magnet for an outbound campaign, a video, or even an infographic are a few examples of repurposing.

When you repurpose blog posts, you have the chance to publish more original content because you can change the subject matter, the format, or the statistics by adding new information. You can increase the effectiveness of your digital content marketing strategy by recycling content.

As a result, why not write a different article on what content marketing strategy is? You can discuss how to improve your marketing strategy in a separate article.

How Does Content Repurposing Affect Your SEO Strategy?

Your content marketing strategy should include a significant amount of content repurposing because it introduces original content without expending a lot of resources on a fresh blog post.

It’s a fantastic way to save money and boost your bottom line, according to George. “[You can] use blog posts that you’ve already paid for in a different way (whether that’s done in-house or through outsourcing) to help boost the blog’s return on investment.”

Not only does content repurposing save you a ton of money, but it also helps your SEO. Here are some benefits of repurposing that you can get when you incorporate it into your strategy for digital content marketing:

• It keeps information current and fresh. Instead of writing a new post with the same information, experts advise you to update previous blog posts to give them an updated record. In actuality, it’s better.

• It increases your traffic. By updating existing content, you can rank for keywords that might not have been successful the first time around. Timing is everything.

• You gain visibility for new keywords. Repurposing blog content gives you the chance to improve its ranking for fresher keywords and give it new life.

• It builds new connections. You can draw in new links by turning an earlier, highly successful piece of content into new material.

• It raises your stature. Domain Authority increases when you demonstrate your expertise on a particular subject (DA).

How to Repurpose Content and Things to Take Into Account

Before you start recycling content, remember that not all content is appropriate for repurposing. Reusing previously published material that receives no feedback from your audience will only harm your content strategy. If the appropriate metrics aren’t being targeted, what good is content strategy? To assist you in prioritizing, we developed this guide to content repurposing.

Although there isn’t a set formula that ensures success, you can hone your content optimization strategy by adhering to these best practices.

Here are some tips for content repurposing and what to look for when performing content optimization:

1. Browse your entire content catalog for content ideas

What does your company’s content strategy produce? You definitely have a ton of information lying around ready to be rediscovered, thus the greatest place to hunt for content to repurpose is in your own content repository.

The following characteristics to look for when browsing your library:

• Evergreen – Viral articles and current events don’t always perform well after a certain time. However, evergreen content does, which makes them constantly suitable for repurposing. Instead of making announcements about Google algorithm updates, a blog covering topics like What is Content Strategy or How to Repurpose Blog Content is more effective.

• Popular – When choosing how to reuse blog content, consider key metrics. How well content pieces perform when recycled can be predicted using metrics like page views, impressions, conversions, and backlinks generated.

• Interesting – Subjects that might interest a new audience are deserving of further examination. Even those that didn’t perform well in the past could be improved and optimized to appeal to more people.

• Breakthroughs – It’s important to update old discussions and studies with new findings. To make content current again, update it with the most recent information.

2. Research Your Rivals to Discover What Works for Them

You must be aware of your opponents if you hope to outperform the competition. In this situation, look at the content types that are successful for your rivals to determine how you can strengthen your own content strategy.

Backlinko examined the top-performing blogs ranking for particular keywords using the Skyscraper Technique. You can learn from your competitors’ content releases and identify any gaps in it that you can fill by looking at what worked for them. Then, using the knowledge you’ve gained, see if you have any blogs that are similar and repurpose content.

3. Take into account the formats to use for reused content.

Choosing the appropriate format is crucial to the content recycling process. You don’t have to keep a blog that you started previously. You can transform blog content into an explainer video or infographic.

Remember: Use a format that is appropriate for your topic and appeals to your readers’ interests to keep them reading.

Unsure of the best format to use? Here are a few topics to consider:

  • Articles.
  • Explainer videos
  • E-book
  • Detailed articles
  • Complete guides
  • Podcasts
  • Infographics
  • Online Stories
  • Case studies

4. Identify the Platforms That Increase the Visibility of Repurposed Content

You must locate platforms that give blog content the exposure it merits in order to figure out how to repurpose it for more views. That entails picking the appropriate platforms for publication and promotion.

For illustration:

  • As a guest post, blog content may be published on your website or other popular websites.
  • You can upload videos to your YouTube channel.
  • Apple Podcasts and Spotify both offer podcast promotions.

Promote your content through other channels once you’ve found a platform to get the most exposure. Use it as a landing page, share a link to it on social media, or send marketing emails to your email list.

To help you get the best results, you might also want to find a partner content writing agency. To assist you in choosing the most promising content pieces, a content writing agency like Visionary offers content writing services.

Some Repurposing Examples and Ideas

  • Change blog posts into a comprehensive manual or eBook.
  • Divide a thorough report or manual into several parts.
  • Add fresh statistics and data to content that contains them.
  • Start a blog with video content.
  • Create a case study using the data you’ve already gathered.


Your digital content marketing strategy will benefit from repurposing existing content. And as George notes, it doesn’t have many disadvantages. With a strong content optimization strategy in place, content recycling can boost ROI, organic traffic, and conversion rates.

However, keep in mind that you must continue to be effective when repurposing marketing content. That necessitates exercising caution when investing more resources in content that you have already put time and money into without seeing any tangible results. This is the reason we put together this guide on how to reuse content and increase productivity. It’s time to put your newfound expertise in blog content reuse to work.

Not sure where to begin? You can get aid from our content writing company. For businesses that require access to a content strategy that produces results, Visionary is a top content writing company that provides content writing services. Our content writing services as a top content writing company ensure high-quality content that aids in your goal-achieving. Contact us right away to begin benefiting from the success of content marketing.

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