Home » 4 Suggestions For Fashion Brands To Help Them Better Comprehend And Relate To Adult Gen Z Consumers

4 Suggestions For Fashion Brands To Help Them Better Comprehend And Relate To Adult Gen Z Consumers

by Nathan Zachary
Gen Z

Those who make up Gen Z (18–25) are true “digital natives,” whose lives have always been intertwined with technology. They’ve always had access to the web and social media. This group doesn’t just see brands as something to fill their closets with. Instead, Gen Z adults increasingly support their beliefs with their purchasing decisions, favoring companies that share their values and avoiding those that don’t.

  1. An Edelman study found that 84% of adult Generation Z advocates and make purchases based on their values.
  2. This indicates that the majority of this audience is driven to make decisions about their purchases based on their beliefs and sees their purchases, including their fashion choices, as extensions of their personal values. The 2021 Kantar U.S. MONITOR study provided information that Amazon Ads used to understand the distinctive attitudes and values of Amazon’s adult Gen Z audience in comparison to all adult Generation Z audiences.
  3. In order to better connect with American adult Gen Z fashion buyers, Amazon Ads and Kantar created a custom “Gen Z and Fashion” survey. The responses revealed that these consumers value variety, don’t care much about brands, and actively use digital media. Here are four lessons that brands can use to give adult Generation Z fashion shoppers a better experience.

1. Adult Gen Z Audiences Said They Frequently Used Amazon.Com (And Again)

Adult Gen Z customers actively shop on Amazon, according to the Kantar U.S. MONITOR study: 85% of adult Gen Z respondents said they had done so in the previous four weeks.

4 In addition, 65% of adult Generation Z audiences said they plan to spend more time shopping in the Amazon store in the future. 60% of adult Gen Z audiences said they visit the Amazon store at least weekly. 5 This generation has recently made purchases on Amazon, has done so frequently, and plans to continue doing so in the future, indicating that Amazon may be a useful channel for brands looking to interact with this highly digitally savvy generation.

What We Suggest

Our findings suggest that adults in the Gen Z demographic have a strong affinity for the Amazon marketplace. As a thank you, take into account offering special discounts or loyalty programs for loyal customers to encourage repeat purchases. In addition, adult Gen Z shoppers who frequent Amazon‘s stores said that they are 1.2 times more likely to value convenience and time-saving measures. 6 When interacting with this audience, a brand might, for instance, pair a simple checkout process with messaging that emphasizes quality and affordable prices.

2. Variety Is What This Generation Wants.

Adult Generation Z fashion audiences prefer to curate their own sense of style across various brands in keeping with their inquisitive nature: 61% of respondents said they enjoy combining products from various brands, while 24% said they are receptive to suggestions to do so. Only 15% of adult Generation Z consumers say they regularly buy head-to-toe ensembles from the same brand. 7 Instead of trying to be the only brand in this generation’s closets, brands may find it more successful to find ways to complement their varied closets.

What We Suggest

Consider targeting audiences who frequently shop for related products because adult Generation Z audiences enjoy putting outfits together from various brands. For instance, audiences interested in sports may favor athletic footwear and athleisure clothing. Use this information to find people who share your target demographic and who may be interested in or engaged with your brand.

3. The Brand Name Isn’t Everything.

Our research indicates that the majority of adult Generation Z audiences do not necessarily give brand names priority when purchasing clothing: Less than half (48%) of adult Gen Z consumers said they prefer to purchase from well-known, prestigious brands. 8 Because of this, brands can close sales with adult Generation Z fashion audiences without always relying on their brand names. That’s great news for everyone because it gives advertisers the chance to promote products based on their quality, their company’s values, history, and other factors.

What We Suggest

Focus on reaffirming alignment with the interests and values of adult Gen Z in order to connect with receptive audiences. Brands may be able to gain support from these audiences, for instance, if they align their collections or brand narrative with the humor or viral trends of Gen Z. Brands can forge genuine connections with adult Gen Z audiences who share their opinions by taking a strong, public stance on current events. Discovery is a crucial step in this audience’s purchase process because adult Gen Z isn’t loyal to brands and prefers an eclectic wardrobe. Consider turning on solutions for the upper funnel, such as Twitch and streaming TV.

4. Participate In The Excitement: Twitch And Streaming TV

Although it should go without saying that adult Generation Z is primarily online, it’s important to understand how they spend their downtime. The top 10 leisure pursuits of adult Gen Z included watching TV and movies at home, which came in at No. 1.9. Adult Gen Z fashion shoppers are very active on Twitch in addition to watching the most recent episodes of their favorite shows: 62% of adult Gen Z fashion shoppers said they use Twitch on a weekly basis. 10 Adult Gen Z fashion viewers are happy to watch the most recent live streams from their favorite creators on Twitch, which is where the buzz is.

What We Suggest

Streaming TV ads are a cost-effective way to reach and engage large numbers of Generation Z adults. Prime Video’s live sports, the best TV network and broadcast apps, Freevee, Twitch, Fire TV’s News app, and more should all be accessible.

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