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How To Upload A Video To The Internet

by Nathan Zachary
How To Upload A Video To The Internet

Uploading videos to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media directly increase engagement, promotion, and brand value transmission. 

Thus, adding an efficient video upload solution that is easy to use, secure, and comes with rich features is rewarding for your application or website.  We upload videos daily and share them for various reasons. 

But finding a video upload service like that seems tricky since you have multiple options. 

This post will cover a few things about this solution, features to look for, and the best video upload service for your apps and sites. In addition to video upload, Filestack also offers a powerful OCR API that can transform and manipulate uploaded videos as well.

How Can We Build A Dedicated Video Upload Service?

We’ll build a video uploader to upload videos in chunks with a preview and progress bar using JavaScript. 

upload video

First, we’ll explore how to upload a video with JS and jQuery [1] without any other libraries.

What Are The Main Goals Of A Video Uploader?

  • It’ll preview the video before it is uploaded
  • The uploader uploads video files in small chunks
  • And a progress display bar

We can achieve these goals with JS and jQuery without any other libraries. 

For this tutorial, we have followed Andrei’s Sandbox coding [2].

Start With The Standard input Element:

We will use the standard input element to choose a video file.

Primarily, to access the upload file, we will call it “get element.”

Secondly, a video element is needed to display the video.

Finally, it will display the video after it is chosen in the video element for preview.

Here we go! Notice that we can watch any video file with all the controls in the video player.

Let’s upload the video to your server. 

Remember! To become successful, we have to implement the UploadVideo function:

We can find the following result:

  1. It takes the first chunk from the file
  2. Then call the API using AJAX
  3. Take the next chunk when one is done
  4. Then iterate to step 2

Unfortunately, we cannot use the fake AJAX call here, so let’s implement a stub method.

As a result, it ‘sends’ chunks every 250 milliseconds.

In the final step, we just add another div beneath to enable the video element for a progress bar.

While sending chunks, just update its width by implementing the required code.

That’s all about the JS and jQuery video uploader.

Is Building A Video Upload Service The Final Step?

Building an uploader is not all. It demands your dedication to maintain the app.  Moreover, it must cover the following:

  • An efficient video uploader should integrate into our app and connect to popular storage services
  • On-the-fly image and video transform and conversion via URL parameters
  • Tension-free secure upload and reliable content delivery
  • Trusted and promising AI-based Intelligence tagging and scanning

Let’s take a closer look at some of Filestack’s most demanding features that are a good fit for your product’s platform.

What Makes The Best Choice For Uploading Videos?

Filestack provides reliable, high-performance tools that allow developers to upload easily, store, transform, and deliver content. It offers a secure and reliable video upload service that integrates easily.

Upon signing up with Filestack, you will get access to your own private API key that you can use to start integrating Filestack’s features. Besides local file uploads, the file pickers integrate with many popular services, including:

  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • YouTube
  • GitHub
  • OneDrive
  • Google Photos
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Box

How To Integrate Multiple Services For File Upload?

Different sites like video.io [3], Microsoft [4], and Adobe [5] offer standard video upload services. Whereas Filestack offers multiple services through one simple integration, and you don’t need to worry about updating API integrations again.

Just add the three lines of code;

import * as filestack from ‘filestack-js’;
const client = filestack.init(‘YOUR API KEY’);
client.upload(fileObject).then(data =>console.log(data.url));

Anyone can choose from our SDKs to get started with any of the following: JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, Python, Swift, Android

<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/NbJYa-Tv9Ok86UNdOERWV8OtvWh9UIpJ3L1DWiQHdftFTIx9kJi1MP-_u5ocGYSuR53xXtmI3ZH55ykmwat7NeTRiumoOmXimhcHTwF-zS3iDC8tAWzUYlD0gMCY2tqhxQkypUalE3HbE-e-uNDcf1RaFGhx2XFJSWjOcj13yrCMaUP-O55kHVk-" alt="

The file picker feature allows us to upload files from users’ cloud provider accounts. Powered by Cloud API, it offers the same storage options for local file uploads.

Can We Upload Files Using Filestack’s Picker?

We’ll add the tags parameter in the uploadConfig option and specify the key-value pair. Here, the value accepts a callback function that will be invoked before file upload starts with one parameter of the current file:

uploadConfig: {
    tags: {
          “foo”: “bar”,
          “foo2”: (file) => “bar2_” + file.name

Following are the example Picker code:

const client = filestack.init(APIKEY);
const options = {
  uploadConfig: {
    tags: {
    “foo”: “bar”
  fromSources: [“local_file_system”,”instagram”,”facebook”],

Moreover, we can add tags dynamically:

uploadConfig: {
  tags: {
    userId: ‘123’,
    title: ‘asd’,
    dynamic: (file) => { return ‘DYNAMIC_TAG’ + file.name;}

You can learn more about file pickers by clicking here.

How Can We Upload Files Using Filestack’s Python SDK?

To upload using Filestack’s Python SDK, add the upload_tags parameter in the store_params option and specify the key-value pair:

from filestack import Client

client = Client(APIKEY)

store_params = {
    ‘location’: ‘s3’,
    ‘path’: ‘folder/subfolder/’,
    ‘upload_tags’: {
filelink = client.upload(filepath=’path/to/filename.jpg’, store_params=store_params)

This will allow us to upload not only images but also videos and other files to the application and websites.

  1. https://jquery.com/
  2. http://andreibuntsev.blogspot.com/2019/03/upload-video-in-chunks-with-preview-and.html
  3. https://www.veed.io/tools/video-hosting/video-upload
  4. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/upload-video-audio-or-pictures-to-an-asset-library-74b1fcef-09b9-44a9-857c-9c55f9aa2445
  5. https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/video/hub/guides/how-to-upload-a-video-to-youtube

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