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Implementation Of Change Management Process? A Brief Overview

by Nathan Zachary
Implementation Of Change Management

As the world is evolving, the business has to face many challenges like the change in technology, the introduction of new competitors in the market, the difference in law, regulations, and the ups and downs of economic trends. Failure to do so will lead to worse loss and extinction. The study shows that 50% of the change is unsuccessful due to poor coordination, planning, training, and motivation. The lack of manager and leader skills is also a reason to face failure while changing the management process.

Now we know what change management is and how it benefits and damages a company. Further in this article, I will write about five critical steps of the change management process.

Organizational change broadly defines a business’s actions to change or adjust a significant component of its organization. It will include company culture, internal process, underlying technology or infrastructure, corporate ranking, etc.

Change management for enterprises has the same business. Still, in the larger view, the enterprises are more prominent organizations. Hence, they need to deal with the customers daily, so the change in the help desk system by change management process will unburden the enterprise but also help them to process the queries of their customers at no time and provide service for those queries. It will create a clear path for customers and clients to interact.

Types Of Change Management

Types Of Change Management

Adaptive Change 

It refers to small, gradual, constant changes an organization initiates to grow its products, processes, workflows, and strategies over time. Hiring new employees to fulfill the increased demand for implementing a new work-from-home policy to attract more qualified job applicants are both examples of adaptive changes.

Transformational Change

This type of transformation is on a large scale and often suggests a dramatic and sudden change in status. Introducing a new product, diversifying the business, or expanding worldwide are examples of transformational change.

The change process points to achieving their goals: the starting and functional endpoints. The process is between a practical and unfolding stage. In the next portion, I will write a summary of the topics.

5 Steps In The Change Management Process

Change Management Process

Strengthen the team 

A good organization that wants to pursue and implement change successfully must 

prepare itself for both logical and cultural change. Before probing, the strategy and culture preparation must take place.

During the planning time, the manager focuses on their employees’ needs, which helps them understand the change and prepare for it. They are aware of the challenges or problems they face in the organization and general dissatisfaction with the status quo. Gaining the employees’ trust of the employees which helps the company in implementing the change, can prevent any resistance and tension in the future.

Give A Clear Plan And Vision

If an organization is ready to change, the manager should draft realistic and achievable plans which motivate the employees. It should add some points.

Strategic Goals

This point must include the goals of the organizations and what measurement we should take to achieve them.

Key Indicators

It must consider with complete care what metrics or things we have to move in an organization to fulfill our change process.


We have to look at the internal and external stakeholders and how they will help us implement the change, and how much positive effect it will have on our stakeholders.


After creating a plan and strategy, organizations now have to follow the steps to implement these steps, including changes in company structure, design, systems, employee behavior, and other aspects that initiate this change.

In the change process, managers should focus on their employees to follow the steps towards revolution. They should help the business by anticipating roadblocks and problems and preventing, removing, or mitigating them when they identify them. Daily communication with the team will remind them why change needs to be pursued and is essential. It will motivate the employees towards their duties.

Change Management Checklist

Knowing what a change management checklist is and how it will benefit the help desk software is essential. It is a strategy that stratifies and implements the changes for efficient operations. Most help desk software does not contain any change management system, which helps process and implement the changes within the help desk operation.

Managing The Change

After implementing the change, it’s time to analyze the results by seeing the markets or changes in the demand. Either the change is successful or a failure. After the implementation, the managers should revise the previous status quo because it is significant for the processes, workflow, culture, and strategies. If the managers do not devise a plan, employees revert to the old way and take the change period temporarily.

If we embed the change in the company’s culture and practices, it will make it difficult for employees to revert them, so new structures, culture, and reward systems will help create a change and motivate the employees and win their loyalty.

Sometimes the change is very costly because the company is not only changing its product. They are enhancing the working strategy of their employees, so the training cost will be incurred by training their older employees, and recruitment cost to add up the expense by finding the suitable employee for the change. Still, this cost is one-time and generates revenue for the organizations.


In the above article, I have written about the change management process and how it will benefit businesses and their surroundings. Implementing these changes is difficult but necessary because of the increasing competition and technological advancement. This article will teach you about the change management checklist and its uses. Not only this, I have written how change management for enterprises helps the help desk software in the company to provide a continuous path for communication.


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