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Increase sales with more commercial cleaning

by Nathan Zachary

Commercial cleaning companies provide a variety of services to meet the needs of business organizations in terms of cleaning their offices, stores, function centers and even their warehouses. Professional office cleaners use a number of methods, materials and equipment to take care of cleaning and speed up such processes. In terms of competition, the commercial cleaning industry holds the title of being at the top. The office cleaning industry is a highly competitive industry second to none. As such, companies within this sector are struggling to create cleaning sales products and stay ahead of the game to achieve a reasonable increase in their revenue. The reason for this high competition is due to the high manpower of cleaning companies all over the world. The more commercial cleaning companies there are, the more cleaners there are competing to win over clients and customers. This extreme competition puts a lot of pressure on commercial cleaning companies to create quality janitorial services using all possible legal methods.

So the question is, how can commercial cleaning

 Companies gain an advantage in janitorial with great success when there is so much competition going on? The best thing these companies can do is to outsource to a reputable telemarketing company. Enlisting the help of telemarketers contributes to the speed and accuracy of their lead generation campaign. First, let’s address the speed factor in telemarketing. When creating commercial clearinghouses, speed should always be there. Without it, a company in this sector will just lose out to its competitors. Losing means no way. No leads mean any income and it’s that simple. The speed of telemarketers is second to none as they contact potential customers one by one in minutes. Now look at that speed and compare it to driving all over the city to be able to talk to those potential customers. On average, telemarketers can call about a hundred (or more) janitors in one business day. Multiply that by the number of team members and the Erhvervsrengøring København company can maximize their performance in generating customer interest.

Second, we now look at their tremendous ability to target markets with great precision.

 Apart from telemarketers, telecom companies have 24/7 data specialists who monitor data entry into their routing database. They make sure that all the data concerning the prospective party is correct down to the last punctuation mark. Once outsourced to telemarketers, commercial cleaning companies are assured of getting information and leads from the market they have identified for their campaign. All other types of leads will not be generated in the campaign results; not unless the cleaning company has specified some additional information for their outsourced lead generation course. Commercial cleaning companies should urgently consider outsourcing to professional telemarketers. Every second lost by not having to get the help of these experts is an advantage lost to their competitors.

Commercial cleaning services go ‘green’ with ‘cleaning’

I know, I know, no matter what we talk about when it comes to cleaning, there’s one phrase that keeps popping up. Environment! More than 25 years ago, “green”, “eco-safe”, “biodegradable”, “eco-friendly” and “energy efficient” all became common, everyday words when referring to the cleaning industry. Offices, hospitals, large retail spaces and schools have become extremely conscious of the cleanliness and health of their facilities, both at the ‘bacteria-free’ and ‘green’ levels. They have also become aware of the relationship between “clean” and the health of their employees. Think about it, how safe and healthy can it be to use cleaning products that have the dreaded skull and crossbones symbol, the words “dangerous”, wear gloves, call a doctor immediately if the product gets in your eyes or if swallowed! Many of the more effective “green” cleaners have their warnings, but they are not as serious nor do they tell you to seek immediate medical attention if the product is swallowed or comes into contact with your skin or eyes! Commercial cleaning services have had to find a way to implement the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products, as well as energy-saving, environmentally friendly equipment without sacrificing the high standards of “clean” and without greatly affecting their bottom line. Many medium to large cleaning companies have found success in this. It’s easy to say, “we use ‘eco-friendly’ products, it’s quite another to actually do it.”

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