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Python’s terms of reference and identifiers

by Nathan Zachary
identifiers in python

Python, like any other language, has its quirks and conventions that must be followed while creating new applications. In this article, we will examine identifiers in python and talk about the rules for giving them meaningful names.

Python is a popular programming language because it is both high-level and object-oriented. After its initial release by the Python Software Foundation in 1991, Python has quickly increased in popularity to the point that it is now the third most used programming language in the world.

Nearly 48.24% of developers utilize Python to achieve desirable results in data science, making it one of the most sought-after data science talents alongside R and SQL, as reported by Statista.

Thanks to the rise of online education and the widespread adoption of the aforementioned best practices, there is now a wealth of Python courses available to learners of all ages.

A computer language’s “keywords” are like the “words” of a spoken language. Most modern programming languages use keywords. Some of the most common keywords in almost all high-level programming languages are if, else, while, for, break, and so on. 

Keywords in programming languages usually have established definitions. Our ability to assign significance to keywords is nil. To keep track of the value, we typically use variables. Identifiers are the names we give to things like classes, methods, and variables. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of how keywords and identifiers in python scripts.

Determining What an Identifier Is

Differentiating the various parts of a program from one another relies on their proper identification and naming. These are referred to as “identifiers in python” in the industry. Based on their individual goals, the user interprets the significance of these designations. Names of classes, methods, variables, and functions.

Except for a few naming constraints, identifiers in python operate similarly to their counterparts in other languages.

The names you give Python objects, such as variables, classes, and functions, are known as their “identifiers.” Therefore, we cannot use keywords as identifiers without the system failing. There is a standard format for identifiers in python. 

  1. The identifier must consist of alphabetic characters and the underscore character ( ). As an example of valid identification, consider student name1.
  2. Case sensitivity is important in Python because it is a case-sensitive language. For instance, both name and NAME will be accounted for separately
  3. There should be no spaces before or after the identification. Using something like “student name” as the name of a variable is not allowed. The use of the student’s name is another option.
  4. Each name must start with a letter or underscore. The first digit of an ID can’t be a number. In Python, a variable can have a name like name1 or _name1, however, 1name is not allowed.

Keywords and what they signify for SEO.

identifiers in python, like the names of functions and variables, must not contain keywords. Their precision is useful for explaining Python’s syntax and structure to others. Python 3.7 introduces 33 new keywords. This sum may increase or decrease over time. Everything but “True,” “False,” and “None” is written in lowercase and must be used with the proper case sensitivity.

Like the rest of the language, Python’s reserved phrases are case-sensitive. Python also has the concept of reserved keywords, which are words or phrases that can only be used for a certain function. Those terms have special meanings, so we can’t change them. When using a reserved word, it is most important to ensure that it is appropriate for the given setting.

Reserved terms’ case changes their meaning. No longer frowned upon, this word. Diagram of Python’s reserved words. Python has 33 unique terms. True, False, None, int, float, import, if, elif, etc. Only directional keywords are capitalized.


  1. True and False are the only two possible values for a Python Boolean. The result of the logical operation could be any of these values.
  2. Python has three logical operators: and, or, and not. These operators always return a Boolean. The decision control architecture makes use of the terms if, elif, and else.
  3. Loop control structures use while and for.
  4. The loop control structure’s break and continue keywords interrupt and resume loop iterations.
  5. The class keyword creates non-standard classes.
  6. Define is the term for making your user-defined functions.
  7. try, accept, raise, and finally are used for exception handling.
  8. In Python, you can import any existing module into your current namespace using the import form.
  9. If you want to access a local variable from inside a function outside of the function’s scope, you must use the global: this keyword.

As examples, these are common Python-reserved keywords. Let’s examine some potential keywords and their applications: True, False, int(for), for(in), def(if), if(or), and(otherwise), if(or).

What do the naming rules for Identifiers in Python entail?

It’s important to remember that identifiers in python follow some strict naming guidelines. Let’s examine that now:

  1. Variable and class names in Python can contain any character, including underscores.
  2. No numbers or dashes are allowed at the beginning of names.
  3. There shouldn’t be any numbers in the name of an identifier.
  4. When using Python, it’s important to pay attention to the case of variable and function names, as is the case with many other languages. (There is a difference between “Ash” and “ASH.”)
  5. There will be no warning displayed if a user inputs an identifier that begins with an underscore.
  6. An identification name can be any length, but PEP-8 suggests limiting it to 79 characters at most.
  7. The names of any identifiers or keywords should be unique. Type help() followed by “keywords” to see a list of Python typo-avoiding keywords. Here are base and derived class secrets.

A failure to comply with any of the aforementioned principles may result in the application crashing or displaying an error message.

Appropriate Names for Python Objects (Examples)

If the identification follows the rules specified above, it can be a string of any characters, including numbers and underscores. Some examples include:

  1. Any identifier name can have its first letter capitalized or replaced with an underscore.
  2. Even though it doesn’t make much sense visually, a single underscore (_) can serve as a name for an identifier.
  3. Identifier names may begin with lowercase characters (alpha123).
  4. Dog names don’t follow any particular convention. Case differences make DRE, dre, and Dre distinct identifiers.

Python does not recognize the names (Examples)

  1. Python doesn’t allow some variable and constant names from other languages.
  2. Non-numerical identifiers are given 999.
  3. Identifier names cannot, however, be special keywords having linguistic connotations.
  4. The names of identifiers can’t begin with a number; 123alpha.


Python is still widely used and considered a top programming language in the 2010s. It has an advantage over other contemporary programming languages since it is simpler to learn and implement.

One of the first things a Python beginner needs to learn is how to name variables and constants. User input generates program-specific identifiers. As long as they follow the rules for naming, they are free to use the names. However, to get the most done in a given time frame, it’s best to stick to certain naming standards that are common knowledge in various fields. 

Covered: Python keywords and identifiers. Comparing Python’s keyword and identifier constructions. Python is case-sensitive, so keywords are too. Python keywords have predetermined meanings. Identifiers name classes, variables, and methods. Keywords can’t be identifiers. Python names and identifiers must follow certain rules. We’ve covered Python keywords and identifiers.

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