Home » TESLA PHONE: When Is Tesla Phone Coming Out

TESLA PHONE: When Is Tesla Phone Coming Out

by Nathan Zachary
Tesla Phone

When Is Tesla Phone Coming Out? Tesla, a leading electric vehicle manufacturer, is reportedly testing other technologies like Tesla Mobiles. This company is well-known for its electric vehicles.

A tech giant Tesla is allegedly creating the revolutionary smartphone known as the Tesla Model Pi. The rumors about this smartphone, which may be called the Tesla Model Pi, are intriguing.

If the rumored smartphone is being developed by the automaker, some IT experts at amazon marketing services expert believe it will be a huge success.

Every bit of information that is currently available about this new smartphone has been covered in this article.

There is talk that Tesla might show off the Tesla Phone Pi, their latest technological masterpiece.

This would be a huge step forward in technology, not only because it would be Tesla’s first phone, but also because it would be a whole new kind of device. Elon Musk is known for having an amazing idea of what the future will be like. The CEO of Tesla sees a future where technology is much more advanced than it is now. He also thinks that one day, technology will let us merge with artificial intelligence. He is working to make this happen, so it’s not hard to believe.

Let’s jump into the blog and talk about all the rumors about the Tesla Phone Pi and what you need to know if you plan to buy one in the future.

Concerning the Tesla Phone

It looks like Tesla’s cell phone would be perfect for people who want a powerful device with lots of features that is also stylish and easy to use. There are a lot of rumors about the mysterious Tesla cell phone going around online. Are they true?


Tesla, a top US producer of electric vehicles, was founded in 2003. Tesla dominated the electric vehicle market in the first quarter of 2022 with a market share of more than 75%.

Elon Musk, who also serves as the company’s CEO, is the owner of the company.

Tesla initially focused on electric vehicles, but it has recently tried solar roof tiles and electric pickups.

While all of this is going on, there have been rumors that Tesla is creating a cutting-edge smartphone that will start a technological revolution.


There are rumors that Tesla, a significant EV company, is developing a futuristic phone called the Model Pi.

The Tesla Pi phone will reportedly be a smartphone that uses Starlink to establish a connection on Mars.

Additionally, this smartphone will support Neuralink, permit cryptocurrency mining, and act as the first openly available satellite phone.


Tesla has not officially acknowledged anything about this smartphone, so we are unsure of its specifications.

This smartphone, according to a report, would have a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 CPU, 16 GB of RAM, and a 2TB UF flash drive. There are also rumors that a six-inch AMOLED display will be present.

Four excellent astrophotography-capable cameras are said to be included in the Model Pi.

According to some reports, the Model Pi’s body may have an additional coating that would enable it to automatically change color depending on the environment and make solar charging easier.


Below, we go over the alleged features of the Tesla Model Pi.


The Tesla Model Pi phone is rumored to be the first widely available satellite smartphone, which is an intriguing theory.

This claim caught everyone’s attention because it does seem possible that Tesla could produce a satellite phone.

Since Elon is the CEO of Starlink, a company that provides internet for space, no one can prevent him from creating a satellite smartphone.

If this is the case, it will be a challenging task to complete because they will need to find a way to conceal the large antenna (used in satellite phones) in the smartphone’s pocket-sized version. One way to put this concept into practice is:

The satellite function might only be accessible in areas with an existing Starlink base. for instance, a location or a structure. You won’t need big, heavy antennas in a place like this to connect to a satellite network.
Alternately, Elon might equip future Tesla vehicles with antennas, in which case all you would need to do to access satellite internet is be close to them.
Do you think it’s possible? Without a doubt, yes. But can a satellite network connection be supported by the Tesla Model Pi phone? Without a doubt. It will likely take the company three to five years to figure everything out, even if they decide to pursue this idea.


Tesla is well-known for producing solar panels and alternative energy. Accordingly, there is a rumor that the back of Tesla’s upcoming smartphone will have solar plates. It would make it possible to use solar power to charge a smartphone.


The Tesla app already provides car control for all smartphones and allows you to control your Tesla electric vehicle in a variety of ways, including media playback, calling the car, locking and unlocking, and more.

But according to rumors, the Tesla Pi phone will come with a few extra features that can only be used with Tesla smartphones.


Astrophotography is already a feature of many smartphones currently on the market. Therefore, it won’t have a significant impact on the smartphone market.

However, it is said that Model Pi will have SpaceX’s interplanetary focus in order to capture much better images of celestial objects.


It doesn’t seem unreasonable to assume that the Model Pi will be able to mine cryptocurrencies since Musk has already spoken out about them.

According to rumors, mining for MarsCoin, a cryptocurrency that Musk recently mentioned in a tweet, would be possible if Tesla’s smartphone had cryptocurrency mining capabilities.


Though it is still science fiction, Musk-owned Neuralink is working to develop the concept of controlling computers and smartphones solely with your thoughts.

They claim that a neural implant in development will allow for direct brain-to-device control of computers and mobile devices.

According to rumors, Tesla’s upcoming smartphone will work with Neuralink. We will need to wait a few years before we can use this technology because it is still in the development stage. Neuralink’s primary goal is to help people who are suffering from paralysis as well.


Given all the features we covered above, Tesla’s smartphone would most likely cost well over $1,000. It is clear that this phone won’t have all of the claimed specifications, though.

If Tesla releases this smartphone with all of the above features, such as vehicle control, astrophotography, and solar charging, it is going to cost between $1000 and $1500.


Four cameras are shown on the back of one of the most well-known Model Pi phone concepts, giving the device a dark hump on the back. As a result, the phone won’t lay flat on its back on your table, but the high-end lenses will still allow you to take beautiful pictures.

There is a second camera on the front, but it is concealed behind the screen, so you won’t be able to see it.

For biometric authentication, a fingerprint scanner is additionally available on the front camera.

Since the Model Pi is a Tesla phone, renderers assume it will have solar panels so that you can charge it using the sun rather than a plug.


At the moment, the company is being very secretive about when the Tesla Pi Phone will be available. But the Tesla Pi Phone isn’t likely to come out until December 21, 2023.

At the moment, rumors are the only way we know what’s going on. So, don’t believe everything you read or hear about the new Tesla smartphone.

ADR studio design, a YouTuber, released a Tesla smartphone concept in 2021, sparking most of the rumors.

When asked, the YouTuber said the movie was the designer’s idea and not based on Tesla leaks.

Additionally, the purported features of this smartphone seem a little too cutting-edge at this time.

Features like Neuralink support or Mars connectivity, for example, seem almost unachievable.

However, the initial Model Pi may not need those features, so we can’t rule out its existence or Tesla’s similar goal.

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