by Nathan Zachary
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Teachers are busy. Right from daily tasks such as marking attendance, and sending out notices, to more important tasks such as preparing lecture notes and creating lesson plans, a teacher is constantly busy and yet is unable to finish all the work. At such a time, deploying technology may seem like a difficult path. But automation and paperless operations enabled by a school app can do a lot to assist teachers in managing daily tasks. For instance, an app simplifies the attendance marking process considerably. With an app, teachers can mark attendance in less than a minute. Moreover, the class attendance app can be set to send auto-triggered attendance notifications to parents in real time. This serves two purposes, firstly the attendance process is shortened and secondly, the pnp coda teachers don’t need to attend phone calls or respond to parents’ messages or emails concerning their child’s absence/presence.

How often do teachers have to work after school hours?

Probably half the time! A lot of activities and events happen at school on a regular basis. Teachers not only have to prepare for these events and activities but also have the responsibility to notify parents, other teachers, staff members, etc. of the same.

 Some Features of a Highly Effective School Management System

Running a school is a job that requires diligence when each year, the school has a fresh intake of students and corresponding out-take of finishing students every academic calendar. The school staff quickly experiences an overload of this constant in-flux and out-flux as both student and staff information must be preserved.

  1. Student Management System
    This is a core feature that keeps a timely track of each and every student in the school. Information stored ranges from the name, parent details, and prior medical conditions to achievements.
  2. School Staff Informational Record
    A good School System not only stores student records but also the school staff both teaching and non-teaching staff. The information can then be used to be stored for future purposes or can be used by the system to do other ancillary tasks such as constructing a school timetable for the teaching staff, a payroll system for producing pay slips.

3. Academic Analysis
The teaching staff experience a great mental and physical drain of energy in tasks of marking students’ exams. Together with this analysis of exams must be done in order to determine a student’s academic level. A School System is of great reliance as the major tasks involve:

  1. Grading student’s exams
  2. Preparing a Mark Sheet of the subject’s mean grade and mean score.
  3. Ranking students.
  4. Preparing Report Cards.

4. Library Management
a school is a place of literacy as such is not without textbooks. A library can use a Library Management System to keep track of the school’s textbook assets. With this System, it can also keep track of borrowing history, books currently in stock, and those that have either been lost or damaged.

Why do we need a school management system in Pakistan?

As the school starts to grow, there is always a need to manage it effectively. The number of students, staff, and burden on administration increases, it gets messed up if not tackled properly. Therefore, to manage the school task effectively, you will always need the best school management system.

There are several reasons why school management systems have become very common in Pakistan. Managing a school has always been tougher and with every passing day, the burden of workload increases.

  1. Keeping track of information related to students

The first reason would be the fact that these systems is incredibly easier for schools to maintain information relating to their students. A school management system makes it easier for schools to keep track of information such as students, teachers, staff records, attendance records, the update of homework, managing discipline issues, how well the students are doing, and what they are achieving within the boundaries of their schooling careers.

2. Providing access to parents

The school management system helps out the parents to track the record and performance of his/her child whether it is attendance or result, either performance or fee payment. This is what is facilitated by good online school management software. 

3. The advantages of having school portals

An integral part of school software is the various portals that have been created for the benefit of parents, students, teachers, and admin staff use purpose in a school. There are so many benefits of these systems. First of all, they help parents participate in an active manner in the educational activities of their children. It helps teachers to track their syllabus and lesson plan according to the schedule. They also provide the latest information pertaining to their children as far as things such as PTM (parent-teacher meetings) as well as the various assignments and grades of the students.

4. Information on teachers

With the latest technology, it has now become easier for everyone to get all the information that you need about perhaps the most important backbone of the schools – the teachers. You give them access to their subject related and also track each and everything that the teachers are doing within the school. You can also take a look at a teacher’s class schedule and the reports that they are filing with a greater degree of efficiency and ease

5. Facilities such as e-mail texts and voice messages

With the help of an online school system, the school management is able to send across important information through media such as Push Notifications, e-mail, and text messages to all the important stakeholders. It is well known that for a school to be successful there needs to be proper communication among all the parties concerned and this is especially applicable to the students, teachers, parents, and school management.

6. Managing attendance

An important administrative task performed by a school is managing attendance. As such, if the teachers are tasked with such boredom-inducing tasks you can be sure that it is going to end up costing a significant amount of time.

8. Tracking of fees and online payment

The one thing that makes everything run in this world is money and schools can be no exception to that time-tested universal custom either. Now how does a school get money, through fees and other avenues of payment? Keeping track of all the receipts, payments heading their way can be quite a headache. This is why you need the school management systems, using this it becomes really easy to perform these functions along with getting the bills and invoices ready as well as keeping track of various kinds of fees.

9. Managing admissions

Managing the entire process of students getting admitted to your school can be quite tough as well. However, if a school has to do all this manually through a whole host of files then there is always a chance that crucial data could get lost.

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