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The Many Benefits of Google Search Engine

by Nathan Zachary

Google search engine is the most used search engine in the world, and more and more people are using it every day, which means that its popularity continues to increase as time passes. It’s no wonder that Google has become so successful, considering all of its benefits.

 While there are many reasons to use Google search engine, below are some of the main benefits that you may want to keep in mind as you continue to use this great search engine.

Why is Google better than other search engines?

When it comes to search engines, you have a lot of choices and they are all pretty solid. But if you’re looking for that little extra bit of quality and speed, then it’s time to make your case for using Google over Bing or Yahoo. Here are some reasons why you should be using google search engine. Plus, there’s a great reason why google is better than bing even though most people don’t know about it!

1.   Speed

When you’re looking for something online, you want it fast. Whether it’s a quick search or information on your location, you’re more likely to use a search engine that finds what you need quickly. 

 That is exactly what Google delivers; results are delivered in under ten seconds over 90 percent of the time. Its speed has earned it a global ranking as one of most popular internet brands and, as far as search engines go, it is an industry leader in efficiency.

2.   Relevancy

You can search for things on Google and get relevant, high-quality results. You don’t have to sort through pages and pages of irrelevant information before you find what you’re looking for. Google will often return not just a single website that best matches your query, but several similar sites as well.

 It’s easy to tell which websites are most relevant because they appear higher in your search results. The goal is a fast, satisfying user experience with great content and it’s working. By most measures, people seem happy with their searches on Google: 93 percent of users say they’re satisfied with their experience; 94 percent are likely to recommend it as one of their favorite websites; and 67 percent would rather search on Google than anywhere else.

3.   Branding

There are many advantages that make Google one of the migliori motori di ricerca. To name a few, it’s a brand you can trust and it has state-of-the-art technology that delivers relevant results for your search queries. With so many distractions online, we often don’t spend enough time looking for what we really want.

 This is where Google shines; their algorithm ranks sites based on quality of information, not keyword stuffing and paid links. That means when you do a search, you get what you need without getting sidetracked by gimmicks or advertisements. How easy is that?

4.   Market share

The first, and most important reason is that it has an enormous market share. That means many people use it, so you’ll have lots to choose from when targeting keywords for your search engine optimization efforts.

However, there’s one big catch – if you want a search engine optimization strategy to be effective, your site needs to get found in Google by people who are actually looking for what you have to offer (i.e. relevant traffic). And that’s where one of Google’s biggest advantages comes into play.

5.   Platform and tools

While every search engine uses a variety of computer-processing algorithms and methods to help users find what they need, there are basic components common to all search engines. The vast majority of sites rely on a tool called an index that scans web pages and catalogs their content.

When you search using a tool like Google or Bing, these platforms will look through their index to provide results based on keywords and phrases you’re looking for. A site can decide what information to include in its index either manually or automatically, with tools such as robots.txt for manual inclusion.

Bottom Line

If you’re not convinced by now, give Bing a try. It’s another great search engine that’s compatible with most browsers and devices. To save time, it’s best to learn more about your options at Prisma Solution. It’s also important to note that there are other search engines besides Google and Bing; however, most major users will find these two to be enough.

 If you know what you’re doing or want more results than standard pages can offer, consider other options like DuckDuckGo or Yandex. As always, remember that at Search Engine Journal we strive for giving you only unbiased information about search engines! We recommend using our blog as a starting point for any research on whichever search engine fits your specific needs best.

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