Home » The Only SEO Checklist You Need for Your Business

The Only SEO Checklist You Need for Your Business

by Nathan Zachary

Search engine optimization may feel like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. Just when you think you’ve optimized your website content to perfection, Google or Bing updates their algorithm and your rankings drop.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way! There are certain areas that consistently matter for SEO: A site that’s fast and mobile-friendly, for example, is going to rank highly in search results regardless of the latest algorithm change. Consult the Best SEO Agency Sydney to read seo checklist to maintain the rank of your business.

  • Targeted Keywords:

Choose keywords that are relevant to your business.

Choose keywords that are easy to rank for.

Choose keywords that are specific to your business.

Choose low competition, high search volume and high intent (meaningful) keywords.

  • Meta Title and Description

Meta data is the information that shows up in search results, and it’s a critical component of SEO. Most people don’t think about meta data until they start noticing that other companies are showing up in search results for keywords similar to theirs.

In addition to improving your ranking, having good title tags and descriptions will improve customer loyalty as well as customer satisfaction with your product or service by showing off its benefits succinctly rather than just linking out to them somewhere else.

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  • H1 and H2 Headings

H1 and H2 headings are important to SEO. They help provide structure to your pages and allow search engines to more easily understand your content. H1 headings are the most important, followed by H2, then H3, and so on.

  • Links

Links are the most important ranking signal. Links from high-quality sites that contain relevant, useful content and have a lot of authority will help your site rank higher in search results.

Links from related sites—like Wikipedia or industry publications—are more valuable than links from unrelated sites.

Sites with a high domain authority (DA) or page authority (PA) can also help you rank better in search results because DA/PA is used as an indicator of how authoritative a web page is for Google’s algorithms.

  • Images

Images are a great way to help your website rank higher, as well as helping it stand out from the crowd. Images should be high-quality and relevant, so make sure that you’re using images that meet these requirements.

Relevant: This means that they are relevant to the content of your page. If you have an article about running shoes, then showing an image of someone running with their feet bare isn’t going to be very helpful in conveying your message or bolstering SEO.

Optimized For Search Engines: It should go without saying that all images should be optimized for search engines; use alt tags (text) and file names appropriately (e.g., imagefilename-featureimage_thumb_200x200px).

  • Mobile-Friendly Site

People are searching on their mobile phones more than ever. In fact, Google recently reported that mobile searches make up more than half of all searches.

Which means that it’s essential to ensure your website is optimized for mobile devices. If you have a responsive design and your pages aren’t too heavy, then this will be an easy check mark for you.

If not, consider making some adjustments so the next time someone searches for something relevant to your business on their phone or tablet, they’ll find you!

  • Website Speed

Website speed is a ranking factor, a user experience factor, and it’s also known to have an effect on conversion rates.

In case you’re not familiar with this term: website speed is the time it takes for your site to load. It’s a metric that can be tracked by various tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom Website Speed Test. The results of these tests will show you how fast your homepage loads in different devices (desktop vs mobile).

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