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The Top 10 Benefits of Taharah in Islam

by Nathan Zachary
Benefits of Taharah in Islam


Taharah is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is very important for Muslims to perform taharah, which means purification. There are many benefits that come with being tahir (i.e., pure). In this article, we will discuss 10 reasons why a person should perform Taharah and be pure:

It is a sunnah of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah

The word taharah means “purification”. It refers to the process of ridding oneself of sins and impurities, which includes physical and spiritual purification.

Taharah is a sunnah of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty. According to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his hadith: “Wash yourselves seven times each day with water so that you may cleanse yourselves.He also said: “When one of you performs ablution every morning or afternoon, let him perform ablution properly.

When asked about why it was necessary for Muslims to perform Taharah in Islam before praying Salat al-Istisqaa’ or ‘Eid al-Adhaa’, he replied: “The angels will not enter into any house where there is no tahir (clean).”

In another narration from Sahih Bukhari’s Book Al-Fitan wa’t-Tarikh it says that when Ibrahim performed tahara then entered Paradise without doubt he found its fragrance far better than those given by Musa who came after him

Tahara is an act of worship and ibaadah.

Taharah is an act of worship and ibaadah. It is a sunnah of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, who performed it before they entered into their wives, or they asked their wives to wear hijab (veil).

Tahara has been mentioned in many hadith books such as Sahih Muslim, Sunan Al-Darimi, Sunan Abu Dawud and others. The scholars agree that there are five conditions for performing taharah:

  • You must be pure from committing major sins such as alcohol or adultery;
  • You must have faith in Allah;
  • You must not have any doubts about your religion;
  • You cannot marry someone else until after having performed taharah with him/her;

Taharah and purity in general can be obtained by following three simple steps.

  • Wash your hands, face and feet. If you can’t do that right now, use some soap or hand sanitizer.
  • Wash all of your clothes that have come into contact with potentially unclean things (i.e., food). You may also want to wash any rags or bandages if they have been exposed to those same substances as well.
  • Wash out any cracks in walls or floors where water is likely coming from; this includes bathtubs and sinks even though there’s no direct connection between them and dirt! It also extends beyond just kitchen floors—if there are any cracks around bathroom walls then make sure they’re cleaned out too! You don’t want mold spores getting into these areas either since they’ll cause health issues down the road such as rashes on skin cells…

Here we discuss the Benefits of Taharah in Islam:

Taharah brings one closer to Allah.

Taharah is the process of purification, which helps you feel closer to Allah. It will help you feel closer to the angels, who are waiting on your side. Taharah also helps us realize that we have a duty and responsibility towards others: if we do not keep our bodies clean, it can lead to disease, which could spread through our community or even world-wide. In this way taharah teaches us self-control and compassion for others as well as ourselves.

Benefits of Taharah in Islam
Taharah in Islam

The angels ask for forgiveness for those who are tahir

The angels ask for forgiveness for those who are tahir, because it is a sunnah of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. Importance of Taharah in Islam, is an act of worship and ibaadah that can be obtained by following three simple steps:

  • Perform wudu like you normally do after each prayer (salat) or before sleeping at night.
  • Wash your hands with water as well as face, arms, legs and feet with soap or shampoo if needed; this should be done until all dirt has been removed from your body parts by rubbing them gently against one another while washing them with water on both sides until they are clean enough to eat food without worrying about bacteria in between teeth causing problems later on down the road when trying not only eating but also speaking properly which may lead someone into thinking something else entirely than what they mean when saying certain phrases such as “I love” instead saying something else entirely like “I hate” instead…etcetera…

Taharah protects people from diseases in general, and infectious diseases in particular.

Taharah is a means of protection from diseases. It prevents harmful substances, bacteria and viruses from entering the body. In addition to protecting the body against these harmful substances, tahara also protects it against other kinds of harm such as fungi or parasites that may be present in the environment where we live or work.

If you are facing an illness that leads to high fever, nausea/vomiting etc., then you should immediately start performing tahara on yourself by washing your hands with soap (if available) or water first before proceeding with any other activity such as eating meals together with family members who are healthy enough not having any contagious diseases like colds/flu symptoms just yet anyway…

Taharah increases one’s lifespan.

  • You’ll live longer if you do tahara.
  • Tahara is a sunnah of the prophets and it’s good for you.
  • It protects you from diseases and makes you feel relaxed physically and mentally, which in turn means that your body will be healthier as well as your mind.

Taharah increases a person’s intelligence and memory

In the hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Tahara is a blessing for your body, soul and mind. It helps one remember things more easily and think clearly.” Tahara also increases one’s memory, concentration and willpower.

Taharah helps one experience greater joy and peace.

  • Tahara helps one experience greater joy and peace.
  • It makes you feel confident, secure and at peace with yourself.
  • It gives you a feeling that you are on the right path to Allah (SWT).

Taharah helps one feel relaxed physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Taharah helps one feel relaxed physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Physical relaxation is achieved by keeping the body clean and pure. Mental relaxation is achieved by keeping the mind free from negative thoughts and emotions.

A person who is tahir is also at peace inwardly and outwardly.

  • A person who is tahir is also at peace inwardly and outwardly.
  • He has a sense of inner peace that cannot be gained by other means.
  • The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Taharah for one who fears Allah is better than seventy years in Paradise.


We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of taharah. After all, it’s not just about being clean or having good hygiene; it’s about living a life in which our heart is purer, our intentions are higher and we feel closer to Allah.

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