Home » Top 7 Amazing Benefits of PVC Bags

Top 7 Amazing Benefits of PVC Bags

by Nathan Zachary
PVC bags

People tend to think plastic PVC bags are bad for the environment, making it easy to forget about their benefits. Plastic grocery bags can be good for retailers, customers, and even the environment, even though they can be bad for the environment.

Since plastic bags have been around for about 50 years, stores have used them more. Plastic grocery bags are useful just because they are affordable, easy to use, and much easier to store.

Top 7 Benefits of Using PVC Bags

Benefit no 1: Buying PVC bags in bulk is cheaper 

Plastic PVC bags can be accessible in large quantities for less than a penny each. On the other hand, most paper bags cost at least 5 cents each. Reusable cloth bags can cost up to a few dollars each. 

They are hence becoming much more popular as people become more conscious about the surrounding environment. Plastic bags help stores save money on overhead costs and make more money when used in large quantities.

Benefit no 2: Great Way To Act As a Marketing Tool

Well, custom PVC bags are a great way for businesses to get their name out there. Printing its logo and other information on shopping bags is a great way to get the word out about a business.

Benefit no 3: PVC Bags are Easy To Use

Plastic PVC bags are also easier to open, pack, and fold in half than paper bags. Even though those few seconds may not seem like much, this can help busy cashiers keep lines moving quickly. 

Plastic bags hence do take up less space in storage and cash registers than paper bags, weighing about one-tenth as much. Reusable PVC packaging bags take up most space, and even though their weights vary, they are all much heavier than paper or plastic bags.

Benefit no 4: It Has Several Benefits For The Consumers

Consumers have come to the same conclusion that plastic PVC bags wholesale are better than paper bags as retailers have. 

The numbers speak for themselves: Americans use 100 billion plastic shopping bags each year, according to the Center for Biological Diversity. Penn State says that each year, 10 billion paper shopping bags are available in the United States. Even though this preference is slowly changing because of environmental concerns and the rise of reusable cloth bags, plastic shopping bags still have three important advantages:

  1. Paper bags don’t last as much long as PVC packaging wholesale bags. They are much easier to carry, less likely to get torn, and more useful when in the rain.
  2. Plastic bags are best used more than once. Many use them to line their trash cans or pack and store different things.
  3. Plastic bags last much longer than paper ones and can be washed and used again, which you can’t do with paper bags.

Benefit no 5: PVC Bags Have a Great Environmental Positive Impact

People have had a lot of different ideas about whether paper or plastic shopping bags are worse for the environment. It’s a fact that both have pros and cons compared to one. 

We all know that custom PVC bags wholesale are better for the environment than paper bags in several important ways. Since they are so much lighter, they add much less solid waste to landfills when they are not recycled.

  1. The American Chemistry Council says that making paper bags takes between 40% and 70% more energy than plastic bags.
  2. Only 4% of the water needed to make paper bags is used to make plastic bags.
  3. Paper bag production pollutes the air 70% more than making plastic bags.
  4. One pound of recycled plastic uses 91% less energy than one pound of recycled paper.
  5. One truck carrying plastic bags is the same as seven trucks carrying paper bags.

One of the major reasons for not using plastic shopping bags is that marine animals often mistake them for food, killing 100,000 marine animals and 1 million sea birds yearly.

But this argument is wrong. The myth started with a study on plastic bags by the Australian government in 2002 (PDF). In the report, the authors used a Canadian study from 1987 in the wrong way. Fishing lines and nets, not plastic bags, were the real cause of the mentioned animal deaths.

Benefit no 6: Easy to Reuse in Different Ways

At least once, and often much more than once, plastic grocery bags are used again. Using and reusing plastic PVC bags is good in a lot of ways. By recycling plastic bags, people can help the plastic be used in a way that is better for the environment.

Benefit no 7: PVC Bags Are Durable and 100% weatherproof

These are well-known for how long they last. You will find that these bags are not as likely to get torn or scratched.

PVC bags are also resistant to chemicals. Most of the time, PVC biodegradable plastic bags are better at protecting their contents from water or rainy days than paper or cloth bags.

To end the discussion, PVC bags are becoming a better environmental choice. They are yet made of a special blend of non-plastic materials that break down faster than regular plastic bags. These bags are just as strong as any regular plastic bag, so customers can be sure they will be useful.

People are becoming much more environmentally and are always choosing the more environmentally friendly options in the current world. PVC bags have their benefits, and compared to regular plastic bags, it is better for the environment.

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