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What to Expect from a Home Inspection

by Nathan Zachary

An exciting part of purchasing a house, especially for the buyer, is the home inspection. It is also an avenue where the seller gets the opportunity to address any issues or flaws with the property and possibly strike an agreement with the buyer to reduce the pricing according to Warden (2022)

However, a homebuyer has to be mentally and emotionally prepared when his or her prospective home is put under inspection. During this time, anxiety sets in, and a slew of questions–mostly “what ifs”–floods your thoughts, which can be quite draining. What if the house turns out to be unlivable after all? What if the inspector discovers so many flaws that will  make the purchase impossible? Once the agent is done showing you the house or property, the inspection follows wherein you will need to spend a bit more time inside the house and determine if the decision to acquire it is right or wrong.

You must understand that the home-buying process is a long, thrilling, and stressful process, which is why it entails a great deal of patience. As the buyer, it is very important that you become aware of any concerns with the house before finalizing a purchase. A home inspection is the primary means for you to achieve this.

Significance of Home Inspection

It would be great if you can test drive your prospective home through a home inspection because it is the best way to be able to measure how livable enough the house is for you and your family. Basically, the advantage of having your new place inspected is that you will be informed of what to look for during the process and have the chance to see and understand the problems identified by the home inspector. This way, you can also determine the possible repairs that should be performed at the seller’s expense before finalizing everything.

Role of the Home Inspector

The website Houselogic describes the home inspector as a home buyer’s guardian. An inspector can help save you from making any rash decisions regarding home purchase. Thus, prior to committing, you can see to it that the prospective house is indeed livable and won’t cause you a headache in the future. A home inspection will uncover any problems with the house (i.e.malfunctioning plumbing). Inspectors, on the other hand, will not provide you advice on the sale price of the property or tell you if you’re getting a good deal on it.

The inspector’s role is essentially to uncover faults with the actual house. He or she visually inspects the property’s roof, ceilings, floors, walls, doors, and windows, as well as the house’s mechanical systems. He or she may even search the basement and attic. Among other aspects, the home inspector will also evaluate the following:

  • Plumbing system;
  • HVAC system;
  • Electrical system; and 
  • Major appliance systems.

As the buyer, you are responsible for hiring a house inspector. Usually, the seller may declare that a pre-inspection has already been done; he or she may even let you have a copy of their home inspection report, but arranging your own inspection will be more beneficial because you can check out the inspector for yourself and ensure you choose a qualified one. That being said, if you are looking for highly competent home inspectors in Philadelphia, hire our non-alarmist inspectors at Eagle Inspections.

Scheduling Your Home Inspection

When acquiring a home, you have to give at least seven to 10 days to have the inspection performed. This is after the seller accepts your bid although the official purchase has not been done yet. Moreover, have your home inspection as soon as possible to allow for extra inspections or further negotiations with the seller (Wood, 2021).

A new home inspection in Philadelphia becomes less nerve-racking and more meaningful if you engage the services of Eagle Inspections. You’ll feel more at ease in your new home knowing that it was examined by a member of our staff. So, if you want to buy that dream house of yours with confidence, schedule your new home inspection in Philadelphia now with Eagle Inspections. 

Home Inspection Costs

Depending on the house’s location and size, home inspection pricing can range from $280 to $402, the average of which is $340, as stated by HomeAdvisor.

Homebuyers are then advised to be cautious when choosing inspectors in accordance with the latter’s fees. It would be reasonable to believe that a home inspector who costs too little a fee isn’t always likely to have the best services especially in states where licensing for home inspectors is not a requirement. Thus, homebuyers bear the responsibility of ensuring that the inspector of their choosing has the proper training and expertise.

Furthermore, if you are skeptical about your prospective home and sense that the house has other serious problems, like a pest infestation, you can actually request for further inspection of the property. In fact, some professional home inspectors consider providing additional services (i.e. radon testing and asbestos) for at risk homes.

New Home Inspection Philadelphia

If you require a thorough house inspection, home inspectors in Philadelphia specifically those at Eagle Inspections will provide it. However, you also should do your part as the homebuyer. You have to carefully deliberate on the entire home-buying process and evaluate how you really feel about it. Also, be realistic about your views of the required repair work and discuss right away with your seller should there be some things that don’t sit right with you. Although it’s good to listen to your gut instincts, it would be beneficial to put your trust on your seller and hired inspector whose knowledge in the profession may be of great help so that you can make sensible judgments.

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