Home » Why Laravel Will Surpass WordPress in Popularity for Web Development in 2022

Why Laravel Will Surpass WordPress in Popularity for Web Development in 2022

by Nathan Zachary

Are you trying to decide if WordPress or Laravel should be used to build your website? Because those structures focus on creating the same kind of websites and have similar toolkits, choosing one could be challenging.

The choice between Laravel and WordPress is one that website developers are constantly faced with. Regardless of the size of your company, you must use the appropriate technology to create the greatest website.

And for precisely that reason, in 2022, we’ll analyse those structures to determine which one is higher.

Even if both technologies are quite productive and well-liked for building blog sites and e-Commerce websites, the dilemma of which one to choose still exists. Let’s examine what Laravel and WordPress have in common and how they differ to learn more about it.

Describe WordPress.

WordPress is an open source, PHP-based CMS platform for blogs and other types of websites. With the addition of the Woocommerce plugin, it is now also suitable with building online stores. Additionally, it is a plugin-based theme-based system. It has so far provided more than 55,000 plugins for themes. Similarly, studies reveal that WordPress powers nearly 35% of websites.

Gains from WordPress

Link management that is integrated and SEO friendly
It is simple for non-technical individuals to use.
Because it offers ready-to-use templates, it is inexpensive.
Describe Laravel.

An open-source framework is Laravel. It is also written in PHP7, a 2011 release. Laravel utilises the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture of the Symfony 2 framework. Laravel’s major goal is to easily handle challenging tasks like complicated web applications.

It has built-in functionality for routing, models, localization, authentication, etc. Additionally, it has a Blade templating system, an inversion of control, and a command-line interface called artisan.

advantages of Laravel

Enhanced security through built-in authentication, developer-friendly architecture, frontend integration, and smooth database transfer
Integrated authentication
As you can see, they both have a lot of benefits. Let’s now examine how the two differ from one another.

Differences between Laravel and WordPress in terms of development

  1. Code:

When your code develops in size, Laravel’s code is extremely neatly organised. The code may be reused. WordPress, on the other hand, requires the developer to keep all the material in the same format as it was written.

  1. Structure:

To code in Laravel, a developer has to be familiar with the framework. WordPress, on the other hand, makes it simple to create apps.

Learning curve 3.

The developer in Laravel must comprehend the learning curve. WordPress’ learning curve is always less complicated, though. You are free to post or create material.

  1. Identification and approval

Getting features like authentication, authorization, and inversion of control is possible with Laravel. However, WordPress relies on unreliable third-party plugins for authentication.

  1. SEO

WordPress constantly performs fundamental SEO. In order to perform SEO in Laravel, the developer must describe their routes.

Differences in performance between WordPress and Laravel

Scalability, first

It is never easy to scale Web apps in WordPress. It can make the procedure take longer as you are able to use additional add-ons. A developer can easily adjust the websites because Laravel makes use of modular architectures.

  1. Economicalness

WordPress is more readily available, less priced, and includes free themes. Laravel resources, however, call for some outlays of cash.

  1. Time

Development time is reduced because WordPress offers ready-made themes. A skilled developer has a rare opportunity with a wealth of resources with Laravel.

  1. Quickness and safety

The quantity of plugins can cause WordPress to slow down. Code that isn’t optimised can have negative impacts. Laravel is quicker than WordPress because it uses the Eloquent ORM to write database queries. Laravel’s security is more recent than WordPress’.

WordPress vs. Laravel for a blogging website

WordPress was created with the purpose of creating and sharing content. The ability to share content is made easier by a variety of useful plugins. Additionally, Yoast plugins are offered, which take care of SEO as blogs mainly rely on organic search traffic. The entire process with Laravel is a little complicated.

WordPress vs. Laravel for web apps

They both work with web apps just fine. The MVC framework, as opposed to the CMS framework, is always simpler to utilise when the project becomes sophisticated.

WordPress vs. Laravel for an online business

For developers looking to customise a massive e-commerce site with 1,000 different projects, Laravel is the go-to option. Even though WordPress makes website creation simple, larger e-commerce platforms load more slowly.


WordPress is never able to match Laravel’s performance, scalability, or quickness. WordPress is usually preferable to Laravel for blogs. However, Laravel outperforms WordPress for a sizable e-commerce store where extensive backend systems are the norm.

The applications for WordPress are superior than those for Laravel.

Bloggers and virtual business owners who manage a company’s front-facing virtual properties can both greatly benefit from WordPress.

Laravel is a rather complete toolkit for creating web-based applications, making it more suited to generating web-apps and APIs.

WordPress is a superb tool if you’re seeking to work for a virtual agency, creating client websites that deal in pages of information and media – more related to the advertising aspect of a corporation.

Laravel is a great tool if you’re looking to build unique web apps or offer up APIs.

They are fantastic tools for exceptional jobs, and it all depends on the direction you want your career to take. Learning about both could make understanding the alternative simpler.

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