Home » How to Be A Fashion Influencer on Instagram and be Successful

How to Be A Fashion Influencer on Instagram and be Successful

by Nathan Zachary

The term influencer is the order of the day, and it is that in social networks, we find thousands of them. Also, I receive many emails with this question: how can I become an influencer? What do you have to do to become an influencer?

For this reason, today, I want to teach you how to be an influencer in 11 steps to be successful on social networks.

I would like to tell you how to be an Influencer. You need something that is innate: art, originality, and knowing how to behave in public.

Steps to become an influencer on Instagram

Many companies collaborate with these people in their influencer marketing strategies, but becoming an influencer and knowing how to collaborate with brands is complicated and requires prior work behind it.

But I am going to focus on fashion Instagrammers, who are the ones I have been able to get to know up close, thanks to the store I opened.

Therefore, I will give you a series of steps and tips to increase your engagement on social networks and, if you are really worth it, be a successful influencer.

Step 1: Set a goal

Before thinking about what we are going to do in the social network to be an influencer, we must ask ourselves: What do I want to achieve?

And why am I telling you this? Well, some people want to stand out on social networks to get a job, others for their own ego, and others for a hobby.

Think about what you want, how you want it, when you want it, and always remember it.

Step 2: Open profiles on the Social Networks that interest you

Have your Social Network profiles open, and give a lot of attention, especially to one of them.

Choose your favorite and focus your efforts on it.

Many people want to be influencers and start by opening Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, 21 Buttons, Snapchat, etc. But this is a mistake since our efforts will be distributed in all of them.

If you want to become an influencer on Instagram, focus on this social network.

Step 3: Upload photos related to your sector

If we are dedicated to fashion, we dedicate ourselves to uploading only photos of outfits or looks.

It is true that we can upload other types of photographs and images, but many people want to dedicate themselves to this and excessively upload very personal photos or photos that have nothing to do with it, that move away from the final objective, and stain the feed.

Your photos must have color synchrony between them, and you must not break it except in very specific cases.

Step 4: Be original and stand out

This is perhaps the most difficult point. If you want to stand out and you want to know how to be an Instagrammer, you will have to make your feed stand out, and this is not an easy thing.

It is clear that we are not Chiara Ferrragni, but we do not take photos on the terrace of your house or in your room. Go out, look for new places and innovate in your photographs.

Sometimes I know that this is complicated because you need someone to go with you, but find a friend to accompany you and take photos of him too, and if he doesn’t want photos, inviting him to a snack is another good option to spend a fun afternoon with.

Step 5: Edit the photos like the influencers

Here comes another of the fundamental steps that you ask me a lot: how do I get to edit photos like an influencer?

We found two types of editions that stand out among influencers, gray tones and orange tones, and I am going to explain different ways to get to them.

First of all, download Adobe Lightroom on your mobile and edit the light and colors regardless of the filter to use. If you look at the “Color” option at the top right, we find “MIX.”, where we can tweak each color separately and achieve the hue used by the influencers.

Normally, they raise the blue tones a lot, turn them greenish, and reduce the saturation of the browns to look browner. Then they lower the intensity and saturation so that they are not too “fake” (contrary to what I have done in this photo, in which I have left the tones, but I have not removed the saturation).

Step 6: Take care of the colors of the feed

You need to edit all the photos in the same way so that the feed has synchrony. And an app that can help you see how the photo will look on your Instagram profile is Preview.

With this app, you can upload the edited photos before officially publishing them to Instagram and see how the effect will be and how it will look beforehand to decide the order in which your photos will be uploaded.

Step 7: Keep an eye on the post time

There are times when our followers are more connected and probably give us more likes and comments, so we must find out what times these are.

To do this, download the WhenToPost application, and start acting normal on your Instagram, uploading photos whenever you feel like it while it measures. Over time, your reports will tell you which hours your profile attracts the most interactions.

Step 8: Be natural, close, and use influence for good

Be natural. If you are a fashion influencer, tell your day-to-day Instagram stories, what you do, new places or stores you discover, your favorite restaurants, etc.

But beware, it is important to have privacy and not get to tell all the details. Some things should not be uploaded to social networks, and many people are not aware of them.

Use the video. Today, the most direct way to reach people who are not close to us is through videos. Therefore, you must take care of the editing work. FlexClip can help you create and edit your videos easily, even if you are a starter.

On the other hand, you should always use influence for good. That is, if we can influence people’s decisions, we have a power that few have, and we must always think of the common good.

We will also have many followers who will be minors, so we must be careful with what we upload and say in our Instagram account or biography.

Step 9: Face it. Respond to your followers

For both good and bad, we must answer the questions and issues of those who follow us or comment.

Sometimes, we receive negative comments that people choose to delete, a mistake. We must always show our faces and be human, and the people who follow us will value it.

On the other hand, you have to have enough ability to communicate.

In addition, a good influencer must face his community. He must not be cold and distant because he will lose credibility.

Step 10: Be selective in collaborations

In the fashion world, I have seen attempts by influencers who accept everything they are offered, which is not right.

Do not accept everything that they offer you. The brands and products must be related to you, your style, and your community of followers.

Step 11: Work, work and keep working

If you are one of those who think that you want to be an influencer to live from the story, you are very wrong. How to be or become an influencer is not something simple since it requires prior effort.

In addition, being popular on Instagram and an influencer has some obligations, such as having to travel for work, attend events, and maintain an idealized image, for which many may feel pressured.

There is always an effort behind it, even if you don’t see it.

Tips for how to become a fashion influencer on Instagram

  • We should not become a product. Above all, we are people.
  • You must have your criteria for collaborations with brands marked.
  • Take care of the light, colors, and editing of your photos.
  • It is important to have privacy. We do not have to tell everything.
  • Do not accept all kinds of collaborations. They must be consistent with you and your community.


If you want to be a fashion influencer, you will have to constantly think of original photos that can attract your audience’s attention, as well as an impactful look (in the case of fashion).

My advice is to be patient. Since this is not overnight, you must be very constant and never throw in the towel.

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